Margot Robbie is one of the most beautiful women in the world. It’s not really an opinion, but more of a fact. Not only is she talented. Not only does she have a bangin’ body. Not only has she made out with Leonardo DiCaprio, but she’s cool, too. Annoying, right? I’m pretty sure my boyfriend would leave me for the chance to so much as make eye contact with her in real life.
And it doesn’t help that we’re almost exactly the same age. How this:
Is the same age as this:
Is beyond me. I mean, we’re both blonde. We both have vaginas. How different could we be? The answer is, of course, embarrassingly, painfully, excessively different. So when Margs decided to share her beauty secrets with the world, I was the first to put down my cupcake, pull out my notebook, and learn from the best. In a video for Vogue posted to The Scene, the hottest girl in the world explains how we too, can maybe become hot.
Seems crazy, doesn’t it? Well, that’s the point. What this actually is is an exact remake of the opening to the movie, American Psycho. So either the point is that trying to look like her will make you go insane, or she’s actually really cool and has bomb movie preferences. Either way, I think we can all agree that while Margot is hot and talented and perfect, she’s also clever and funny. Just kill us now, amiright?
[via The Scene]
Image via Youtube