
New Study Proves What You Already Know: Chick-fil-A Is The Best Fast Food Place Ever

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Finally, all of America knows what southern sorority girls have suspected for eternity: Chick-fil-A is everything, and all other fast food chains are cheap (and less delicious) imitations.

A new study believes that Chick-fil-A’s U.S. growth might surpass McDonald’s in the next decade. Chick-fil-A could make between $6.3 and $9 billion dollars in sales by 2023, whereas McDonald’s might gain between $1 and $10.5 billion. This research is proof that Chick-fil-A is a major threat to burger chains (and my waistline, and my sanity on Sundays). This year, Chick-fil-A plans to open 103 new restaurants and enter two new markets: Connecticut and Rhode Island. Chick-fil-A might steal McDonald’s potential for U.S. growth, which makes sense because everyone knows that waffle fries covered in sauces far surpass the tastiness of a Big Mac.

Chick-fil-A is officially invading the North. It already overtook KFC, so now it just needs to knock down that clown, Ronald McDonald. Easy enough, but I still think it would be easier if Chick-fil-A was open on Sundays. After all, the best way to avoid a hangover is by smothering yourself in Chick-fil-A sauce (or at least that’s what I assume, while I’m slowly dying in bed every Sunday morning).

[via Eater]

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Fleur de Lilly

Fleur de Lilly (@margaretabrams) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move and Post Grad Problems. When she's not corrupting her big's baby, she can be found decoding texts, gravitating towards raised surfaces, and spending time with her gentleman caller, Jack Daniels. She loves Lilly, Louisiana, and her lineage.

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