
Oh Look. Just Two DILFs Doing The Ultimate Rap Medley

Screenshot 2015-09-10 at 7.24.18 AM

Justin Timberlake was your favorite member of N’SYNC. If you claim that’s not true, you’re lying.

And if you don’t think Jimmy Fallon is pretty much the greatest talk show host of all talk show hosts, you either didn’t read enough about what a shit show Letterman was to work with, or you’re lying.

So we have JT, we have Fallon, what more could we need? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe six minutes of pure rap perfection featuring the lyrical stylings of Salt-N-Peppa, Kendrick Lamar, and Nelly, to name a few?

Yep. That’s right. Last night on “The Tonight Show,” Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake treated us all to the sixth installment of their “History of Rap.” After making all of our ovaries explode with adorable pictures of baby Silas, JT once again reminded us why we’re all obsessed with him while he hammer-timed it up with Jimmy and rapped over 23 mega hits. Jimmy absolutely held his own, even with his finger all bandaged up after his tragic wedding ring accident. Seriously I was impressed AF.

But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself.

I didn’t think there was a way for me to love Drake more. I was wrong.

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Kendra Syrdal

The closest Kendra ever went to going Greek was always hitting up Pita Pit on her way home from the bars. But she thanks the sisterhood of DG for always letting her crash taco night and helping her find her way out of that frat party where a guy got stabbed with a samurai sword. Contact her at for sex toy suggestions and general sass.

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