It’s been a tradition for several years that football players jazz their uniforms up by donning some pink every October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and this year the Oregon Ducks joined in. They have been wearing black uniforms with pink helmets, pink cleats, pink socks, pink under armour, and pink gloves to support our ladies. I love a hot pink and black moment, so I’m totally digging the accessories. One Oregon fan, however, is not.
He called Rob Moseley, the editor of Oregon’s athletics website to let him know about his utter disgust regarding his precious Ducks being forced to wear pink, explaining that he “almost barfed” upon hearing the news. He believes wearing pink is the ultimate sign of emasculation. It’s just not fair to the kids, he thinks, who will be so embarrassed to play their opponents as they’re “feminizing the game of football.”
Moseley tweeted the two-minute voicemail. Listen to it here:
And they say women are dramatic, but I guess no one is forcing us to wear pink against our will.
[via Red Bluff]
Image via Oregon Live