
Pitt Chi Omega Receives Creepiest Ever Email From A Man With A Weird Fetish

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Today in “leaked email” news, we have a real gem from the University of Pittsburgh. Luckily, the sender was not a member of Chi Omega, the sorority that received it. A 30-year-old man, who goes by the name of Sam reached out to the young ladies, with one simple request. Our brother site, Total Frat Move, leaked the email we received from a tipster today:

Subject: To the Women of Chi Omega

Dear (name redacted) and fellow members of Chi Omega,

My name is Sam, I am a 30 year old male who lives and and works in Pittsburgh. I have a house, a job, a car – pretty much a normal life.

The reason I’m writing is because I have always wanted to be a foot slave or houseboy for a sorority or group of girls. There is nothing sexual at all with this. I’d like to come over once a week and paint toes of some of your members, do laundry, or basically whatever chores or things you’d like me to do for a few hours a week.

I know this is weird. But I promise you I’m a safe, sane person with a college degree.

Again – I only want to serve you guys.

If you or any of your members are interested I’d love to hear back. I’m happy to answer any and all questions that you have.


Ladies, I think you should take him up on it. I really do. Pledges aren’t year-round, you know. If he’s willing to do laundry, and give pedicures, surely he’d be down to give sober rides to some hot, young ladies in need. There is virtually zero consequence attached to getting into a car with a strange man. Letting him into your house is just common courtesy.

I see no outcome in which accepting this offer ends poorly. After all, Charlotte indulged in a man’s foot fetish once, and she’s the classiest gal in the city. I say, “Yes, Sam. A thousand times yes!”

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Veronica Ruckh

Veronica (@VeronicaRuckh) is the Director of Total Sorority Move for Grandex, Inc. After having spent her undergraduate years drinking $4 double LITs on a patio and drunk texting away potential suitors, she managed to graduate with an impressive GPA and an unimpressive engagement ring -- so unimpressive, in fact, some might say it's not there at all. Veronica has since been fulfilling her duties as "America's big," a title she gave to herself with the help of her giant ego. She has recently switched from vodka to wine on weekdays. Email her at

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