
Selena Gomez Says Men Are Scared Of Her, Boo Freakin’ Hoo

selena gomez

Celebrities are just like us: they go food shopping, they put on their pants one leg at a time, and their general persona sends men running. Selena Gomez was interviewed by Vogue Australia recently, and they asked her what her love life is like.

The guys that do have the confidence to hit on me are not necessarily my type, but they think they are because I’m a pop star, I sing songs, do movies, I like to feel sexy and confident on stage. I’d be so stoked with a writer or producer or actor who is low-key, but those kind of guys are terrified of me!

She also also opened up about how her most recent relationship with her ex-boyfriend Justin has affected her career. You know, Justin Bieber. The one that every other girl in the country would give an appendage to spend seven minutes in heaven with. Yeah, that one.

Nobody really knows everything and they can only assume. You want to do what you love but all this other stuff overshadows it so it makes it a little harder for people to take me seriously.

UGH. Part of me wants to feel bad for her because she is a human and who knows what it’s actually like to date Justin Bieber or be the level of famous that she is. But then again, it’s hard to feel bad for her. Even when she sits on the couch with a giant bag of popcorn she looks better than I did at prom.

A photo posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Maybe it’s the jealously stemming from the fact that she gets hella likes on Instagram and she just looks flawless 24/7, but TBH there is no way that she has any real difficultly. I have to block guys I like on Twitter just so they don’t stumble upon one of my many undateable tweets. There is a HUGE difference between guys being intimidated and legitimately scared, and something tells me S-dawg doesn’t really know what it is.

Keep your hands and your complaints to yourself, Selena. I’m just not having it.

[via Huffington Post]

Image via JStone /

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to or by smoke signal.

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