
Some Nun Sang “Like A Virgin” And We Have The Video And Oh. My. God. (Pun Intended) It Is Everything

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Few things leave me speechless. Seriously. We got a dick pic submitted to TSM yesterday (this is not a request for more) and when I saw it, I was all like, “Eh, just a little guy,” deleted it, moved on, and, quite honestly, didn’t think about it again until just now. I guess nuns just make me think of penises, maybe because they can’t look at them or touch them. I don’t know. You don’t want to get in here — “here” being in my head. Anyway, moving on from penises.

Some nun named Cristina Scuccia went on “The Voice: Italy” and was really, really good. Like, Maria from “The Sound of Music” good. I’m sorry, I suppose I could’ve just left it at “good,” but if God gives you the ability to make a “Sound of Music” reference, you say, “Thank you, God — see you in church on December 25,” and you make that reference. You make it good. So, yeah, she’s pretty much a modern day Maria…sluttyness and all.

You get three seconds to judge me for calling a nun the “S” word. Then you can watch below and see for yourself: 3…2…1…watch.

According to Sister Cristina (it really is too bad that “Sister Christian” is already taken in the world of pop music) it never once crossed her mind that this could be seen as controversial.

“I chose it. With no intention to provoke or scandalize. Reading the text, without being influenced by previous interpretations, you discover that it is a song about the power of love to renew people. To rescue them from their past. And this is the way that I wanted to interpret it. For this reason we have transformed this song from the pop-dance piece which it was, into a romantic ballad, a bit like the ones by Amos Lee. Something more similar to a lay prayer, than to a pop piece.”

Great. So now I get to call her a liar, too. It’s a good day for Jesus and me. I’m sorry, but really? She NEVER thought this was scandalous? A song about sex with some new guy being so amazing that it feels like the first time? Okay. Whatever. I’m not one to judge. But there is someone who will. And she just sang to Him about doin’ it.

The lesson here? Even people of God are attention whores–oh, and they like Madonna, too. Nuns: they’re just like us!

[via h/t Dlisted]

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Catie Warren

From Rush To Rehab (@catie__warren) is a semi-fuctioning adult who has been celebrating her 21st birthday for the past three years. She attended college in the nation’s capital and to this day is angry that Pit Bull lied to her, as you cannot, in fact, party on The White House lawn. Prior to her success with TSM, Rehab was most famous for being featured in her hometown newspaper regarding her 5th grade Science Fair Project for which she did not place. In her spare time, she enjoys attributing famous historical quotes to Marilyn Monroe and getting in fights with thirteen year olds on twitter. Email: [email protected]

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