
Spring Break Makeout Options

Spring Break Makeout Options

You’re on spring break. You’ve been working your ass off all semester, so you’re ready to let loose. After a couple drinks (so basically anytime after 10:00am), you’ll be looking to make out (MO) with someone, and if you say you’re not, you’re lying. Allow me to present your options for spring break hookups. Just be warned – what happens at spring break doesn’t always stay there.

1. Your Current Hookup/BF/FWB

If you brought one of these with to to SB13, congrats! You have a guilt-free ticket to MO whenever you want with no judgment, whatsoever.
Regret level: Zero.

2. A Guy From Another School

In my opinion, this is the best type of scenario to get into. You basically get all the benefits of having a boyfriend for the week without any of the feelings or commitment you would have to deal with as soon as you return from spring break. Score. Lock this guy down ASAP, and you have a free ticket for drinks and hookups all week. For us spring break veterans, we know the benefits of this type of scenario, but freshmen be warned. You’re still young enough that you may believe to have something called “feelings.” If you see these surfacing SHUT. THEM. DOWN. This guy is excellent as long as you remember that you’re parting ways in five days, so make sure you don’t get attached.
Regret level: Zero, unless you’re a freshman.

3. A Frat Guy From Your School

Chances are if you’re partying it up at spring break, so is everyone else in your school’s Greek system, and you’re bound to cross paths. It’s easy to hook up with a guy you’ve never met before, but don’t forget that when you go back to school, this guy goes with you. Just because it’s spring break doesn’t mean your friends will ever let you live down MO’ing a bottom-tier. Worst case scenario: The MO is awful, and you have to do the “duck-and-cover” each time you run into each other on campus. Best case scenario: You two hit it off and you end up with a hookup for spring break AND school, as well as an option for future date parties.
Regret level: Minimal. Risk/Reward.

4. Your Formal Date

Proceed with caution. At this point, you’ve probably already secured a formal date, and since he’s most likely a Greek at your school, he’s probably partying it up at spring break with you. It can be super tempting to view spring break as the ultimate pre-game to formal, with endless amounts of alcohol and an entire week to party. This can be a great thing as long as you keep in mind that even though he’s your date to formal, he’s NOT your date to spring break. Nothing can ruin formal like seeing the guy whose last name completes your future monogram make out with some skank from your rival sorority after bottomless pina coladas. Keep an open mind, and show your future husband formal date a good enough time to get him excited about formal, but let loose.
Regret level: Minimal, as long as you play your cards right.

5. A Friend

CODE RED. This seems like a good idea after hours of drinking, but it’s just about the worst possible scenario. There are a million available guys around, and after shots on shots on shots, it can be easy to be tricked into thinking that hooking up with one of your many attractive guy friends who you’re already comfortable with is a great idea. Stay away. He’s a guy, so he’s thinking with his head (nope, the other head), and you’re trashed so you’re not thinking at all. Doing this could end up ruining your friendship, and even worse, the relationship you have with his fraternity. Tell yourself in advance that he’s off-limits and get your guilt-free MO on with someone you’ll never see again, or even remember, for that matter.
Regret level: A million.

6. Your Ex

This situation can be super tricky. As long as it’s been long enough since you dated that both of you know there are no residual feelings, then go for it. You’re both comfortable with each other, you know what you like, and best of all, you won’t up your number. If there are any lingering feelings, on either side, LEAVE THIS ALONE. There are way too many available guys for you to hook up with to either be stuck with a clingy ex you can’t get rid of, or worse, redevelop feelings for a guy who just wants to get laid. Ultimately, it’s up to you, but in my opinion, upping your number is a small price to pay to make sure that your spring break is magical and free of emotion.
Regret level: Potential to be disastrous. Proceed at your own risk.


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RecruitmentChairTSM (@TheRecruitChair) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move. This current grad student and ex-sorority girl survives solely on Diet Coke and the tears of the pledges she personally victimized. She's a Monica, a Marnie, a Miranda, and a Regina. Her favorite hobbies include drinking $14 bottles of wine and binge-watching season 2 of Grey's Anatomy until she cries. You can send her annoying e-mails at

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