
Study Reveals Why He’s Not Texting You

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Finally, a new study reveals the biggest texting turn-offs. Sure, it was done by the Brits, but that will just help you into trapping Prince Harry (the real one, not the reality show version). Every good sorority girl knows that any text takes the help of at least 10 other sorority girls to create, but with this new information, you might even be able to go down to 5 helpers only.

Apparently, the number one worst texting mistake you can make is sending kisses in a text. While I’m a huge fan of emojis, I can only assume that the best number of emojis kisses to send a potential partner is a grand total of 0 (unless, of course, the kissy face is accompanying an eggplant emoji). New beaus also hate when you answer the phone at dinner (rude, especially on a first date), texting after 11pm (how do they booty call?), resending the same text if there’s no response (always awkward), and pointless small talk.

TalkTalk Mobile compiled this study, which found that over half of British boys believe it’s okay to end a relationship over text (I guess it’s better than American boys, who believe it’s better to end one by not responding to texts). 62% of women think only IRL break ups are acceptable, which seems like a low number to me, but you never know with those Brits. One of the biggest texting faux pas they found was sarcasm, which didn’t translate via technology.

Overuse of acronyms like LOL were cited as the most common reason a partner might lose interest, because they make you seem too needy. If you’re looking for ideas now that LOL and BRB have been eliminated, the study found that good text etiquette includes “texting a lover good night” (like Liz Lemon, that word bums me out unless it’s between “meat” and “pizza”), replying to messages within two hours, and asking questions. Now, this is a study boys need to read. It’s unclear to me what activities they participate in that prevent them from texting for hours at a time, because they really can’t be that busy. So, next time you text your suitor, keep the lojks to a minimum and you’ll be Facebook official before you know it.

[via Daily Mail]

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Fleur de Lilly

Fleur de Lilly (@margaretabrams) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move and Post Grad Problems. When she's not corrupting her big's baby, she can be found decoding texts, gravitating towards raised surfaces, and spending time with her gentleman caller, Jack Daniels. She loves Lilly, Louisiana, and her lineage.

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