
Texas A&M ZTA Had Aaron Carter Perform At Their Bid Day


Bid Day is practically a competition. We pretend it isn’t, but you know you’re checking your social media/spying on your friends in outer sororities to see just exactly what everyone has up their sleeve. But if Bid Day was an actual competition, Texas A&M Zeta Tau Alpha just took the blue ribbon, the gold medal, and the first place trophy.

The theme was ’90s, but they didn’t stop at neon fanny packs and chokers like the rest of us slackers. Oh no. They booked Aaron. Carter. Yes, they had Lizzie McGuire’s former flame perform a private concert during their Bid Day this past Saturday in College Station.

The concert included one song from the ’90s, the classic hit “I Want Candy,” and a lot of new songs from his upcoming album. Yes, you read that right. Upcoming album. But before you fuel your anger towards him for not performing the song that invented house parties, “Aaron’s Party (Come Get It),” ZTA member Samantha Nobles reassured me that Aaron was everything your elementary daydreams imagined him to be.

When I met him, he was taking his time with each person that he came up to to ask him opinions on his new music and he said “y’all don’t know how much the feedback means to me” and I told him how I’ve been a fan since I was basically born and he said to me “I just hope I can make you proud of me.” Like he was so nice it hurt.


Then after the concert and he was still taking pics with people he called me out and said “hey I like your LV purse!” And he told me to go to him and get another picture, then my friends were like, “KISS HER ON THE CHEEK” and he did. Best night ever but I ended up getting the flu. But it was worth it.

He liked her LV purse?! TSM.

Aaron throws what he knows with great form.


Aaron makes dreams come true.


Aaron likes sororities.


Really really likes sororities.

Aaron, oh Aaron what are we going to do with you?

[via Samantha Nobles]

Images via Samantha Nobles

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Rachel Page

Rachel enjoys spending her time thinking about Britney Spears, whining about being single, and thinking about Britney Spears. She doesn't take to criticism well, so be nice or so she will cry herself to sleep! Email:

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