
The Bachelor Weekly Standings: Week 11

Welcome to the most dramatic finale of The Bachelor yet. Or at least that’s what Chris Harrison is calling it. Finally we watch indifferently as Nick chooses between his final two ladies.

The Winner

Vanessa, 29, special education teacher, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Performance This Week: Vanessa cries in front of Nick’s family within the first few sentences of her being with them, and then tells his mom that she doesn’t want to get engaged, his sister that she’s not sure about moving, and his dad that she doesn’t think love is enough to keep a relationship going. Bold! But she makes the dad cry too and it seems to have worked on him.

On their last one-on-one date, Vanessa and Nick ride horses to Finnish speaking Santa Claus’s cottage. Vanessa is losing her shit as if it is romantic to hang out in a hut with a strange old man. He gives them a wood heart and they’re like “oh wow…thanks…I’ll just put this over here…” Then they sit by a fire and fight each other like they always do. And then they went inside and fought some more. Their relationship feels like the type where she would send him seven paragraphs and then he would send her a sentence back.

Overall Performance: This entire season, Vanessa has acted like she is above the entire show. However, Nick has been looking for a woman to “challenge” him. But her version of challenging is just being a pain in the ass. Most of their conversations are them discussing why their relationship couldn’t work out. In the end, Nick chose to fight her, I mean love her, for as long as the producers make him.

The Real Winner

Raven, 25, fashion boutique owner, Hoxie, AR


Performance This Week: Raven had already met the family, but this was her chance to really seal the deal. Their parents clearly love her, probably because she finally stopped talking about orgasms. On their last one-on-one, they went went ice skating, and Nick just pretended to have a personality the whole time.

When they sat by the fire, they just shot the shit about his family and stuff, until he found some husky puppies, which is significantly better than an old man in a hut. Raven finally gets real and tells Nick that she is sure that she is ready to get engaged. For the 7th time.

Overall Performance: From the beginning, Raven has been really working that “adorable Southern charm” card. She hasn’t necessarily been a sleeper pick, as she has gotten consistently early roses, but she didn’t always seem to deserve them. She has been carried by her cuteness this far, but in the end, she has fallen short. Raven may not have been picked, but she is the real winner because she doesn’t have to date Nick anymore. I’m sure she’ll do just fine on Bachelor in Paradise.

Can’t wait for next season. I hear it’s supposed to be the most dramatic season of The Bachelor yet.

Images via ABC, florianheger

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to or by smoke signal.

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