
The First Trailer For The New “Gilmore Girls” Revival Is Here And Involves Amy Schumer

Gilmroe Girls

After a nearly decade-long hiatus, “Gilmore Girls,” is finally returning to the small screen this fall and the anticipation is palpable. Even with all the excitement surrounding the news of the series revival on Netflix, there’s always that nagging feeling in the back of your mind when Hollywood tries to bring back old classics. The second time around can’t possibly be as good as the first, can it? While that may be true for some remakes (cough Fuller House cough), the first teaser for “Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life” is far from a letdown.

Luke’s. The Dragonfly. The town. It’s all there and it looks exactly the same as where they left off. The only thing that’s changed? The jokes. Any “Gilmore Girls” fan knows that each and every show is filled to the brim with pop culture references and punchlines, which is what makes the show so amazing. But if you watch the series over again, you’ll notice how outdated these jokes have become. The dialogue and references were one of the things I was most looking forward to when I heard about the revival.

This first trailer name-drops Amy Schumer and I swear to God, I almost came. “Gilmore Girls” and Amy Schumer are basically two of my favorite things and to see them come together in this perfect way was just magical. And yes, Lorelai, I totally think you and Amy Schumer could be friends.

Amy Schumer commented on the mention in the most Amy Schumer-way possible.

Along with the first trailer, Netflix also finally gave us a release date: November 25 (AKA Black Friday) at 3 a.m. ET. I want to give everyone at Netflix a big kiss on the mouth for releasing this gem on a day where I have time to give this show the respect it deserves and binge-watch the entire thing in one sitting.

If anyone needs me on November 25 at around 3 a.m., you’ll know where to find me: curled up on the couch with a pile of junk food (Pop tarts are a must) and takeout like a true Gilmore Girl.

[via Vulture]

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Cristina Montemayor

Cristina is a Grandex Writer and Content Manager. She was an intern for over two years before she graduated a semester early to write about college full time, which makes absolutely no sense. She regretfully considers herself a Carrie, but is first and foremost a Rory. She tends to draw strong reactions from people. They are occasionally positive. You can find her in a bar as you're bending down to tie your shoes, drinking Dos XX and drunk crying to Elton John. Email her: (not .com).

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