
The Hottest Student Populations Of 2017 Are Here


Winter is almost over, which means spring wardrobes are about to be back in season. You’ll shed your sweaters (and winter weight) in favor of short shorts, sleeveless tops, and bikinis for every occasion. Luckily for you, the guys also put away their winter coats and you’ll finally get to see who’s been hiding some serious muscle all winter long. If during your evaluation of potential formal dates you happen to notice that your campus has a shortage of exceptionally attractive individuals, not to worry – dating app Clover analyzed students’ swiping behaviors all over the U.S. and determined the top ten campuses with the hottest singles. Without any further ado, here are your top 10 campuses with the most attractive single males in America.

10. Florida State University
9. University of North Carolina
8. University of Utah
7. Indiana University
6. University of Arizona
5. Florida Atlantic University
4. University of Nevada
3. University of Colorado
2. University of Missouri
1. West Virginia University

While most of these aren’t exactly spring break locations, it may be worth requesting a couple of graduate degree catalogs from some of these places if you’re trying to get those coveted trip-digit likes on your next “This guy” Instagram post. Not to be left out, Clover also let us know where the top 10 hottest campuses for single females are, presumably to clue you in on the competition.

10. Texas A&M
9. University of Texas
8. Indiana University
7. University of Maryland
6. University of Central Florida
5. University of Wisconsin
4. Pennsylvania State University
3. Arizona State University
2. California State University
1. University of California

If females are your preference or if you want new sisters that’ll make really hot bridesmaids, these are your schools. For me personally, I’m both prone to jealousy and trying to get that ring by spring, so these are the campuses that I would avoid at all costs. Besides, I hear UNC has a really good business school – oh, no, not for me, but I do plan to hang out in their library showing off my spring break (ok, totally fake, but convincing) tan and making sure my well-manicured fingers are always ready for a 3-carat diamond to magically appear.

[via Town and Country Magazine]

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RecruitmentChairTSM (@TheRecruitChair) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move. This current grad student and ex-sorority girl survives solely on Diet Coke and the tears of the pledges she personally victimized. She's a Monica, a Marnie, a Miranda, and a Regina. Her favorite hobbies include drinking $14 bottles of wine and binge-watching season 2 of Grey's Anatomy until she cries. You can send her annoying e-mails at [email protected]

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