
The Most Pop Culturally Relevant Halloween Costume Ideas For 2017

The Most Pop Culturally Relevant Halloween Costumes Of 2017


Wonderwoman will absolutely be the Harley Quinn of 2017. And with good reason. It was THE bad bitch movie of the year involving a twist on a recognizable character, who frankly looked like a megababe.

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Irma, Jose, Harvey

Is this in poor taste? Definitely. Do I see a trio dressing up as an old woman, a Mexican man, and a high school jock, featuring hurricane vibes? Also, definitely.

Taylor Swift’s Transformation

Last year, I joked that a good squad costume would be all the different “phases” of Taylor Swift, ending in a snake. Now that she’s leaned into her own narrative, and provided us with a pretty hot snake costume in her LWYMMD video, this one is absolutely fun for the whole pledge class.

A Wrinkle In Time

The film isn’t set to release until March of 2018 which puts it in that weird pop culture space where it is too far from Halloween on either side to be a super popular costume. But if you’re trying to get ahead of the curve, Oprah’s Mrs. Which, Reese Witherspoon’s Mrs. Whatsit, and Mindy Kaling’s Mrs. Who are truly spectacular sights that must be recreated at some point.

Just A Lot Of Trump Stuff

Truthfully, I’m not huge on politics, but I am still confident in saying there will absolutely be some Trumps with FBI agents, Trumps with Fake News, and Trumps with Russians this year. Trump gonna be yuge.

Kim, Kanye, and Surrogate

For the third wheel and her favorite couple, a surrogate is a pretty good way to add humor to a couple who hasn’t done a whole lot since 2016.

Game of Thrones

With its penultimate season ending later in the year than usual, the Game of Thrones hype is still going strong. Any of the GoT characters, including the Night King and dragons, are still super relevant right now, and will continue to be for at least the next month and a half.

Dany's seamstress nailed the aesthetic north of the wall.

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Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi and a Cop

If you’re a couple that likes to offend people, this is for you! Together, you and Pepsi can save the day, just like Kendall. Be prepared to rack up those “that’s so fucked up” comments, but know a few of them are actually laughing.


The “It” clown is also going to be a big one this year with the movie dominating the box office, and Georgie will serve as a slightly more creative buddy for a pair. I haven’t seen this movie, because I don’t fuck with clowns, but have at it.

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Beyoncé Twins

Beyoncé is always and forever a costume choice, and the most recent Beyoncé news is all about the twins. She served golden crown looks, pregnancy announcement looks, and non-prego name-drop looks.

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Rihanna’s Met Gala Look

Rihanna was all anyone could talk about at the Met Gala this year, because she looked, well, a little bit ridiculous, but also a little bit amazing. To recreate this ~vision~ is for the Hallokween who’s ready to put in the work and come out with something incredible. Much like Riri did.

Handmaid’s Tale

I’m not sure you can turn Ofred slutty, but if I know the basics like I think I do, some of you will try. Everyone loved this show in a fucked up, but terrifying way, so no matter how you rock this, people will appreciate you paying tribute.

Big Little Lies: The Audreys

Another huge female-led show this year was Big Little Lies. The only really “costumey” section was the final episode (no spoilers) as well as the opening sequence with all the Audreys. S’cute.

Rob and Chyna’s Instagram

If someone turns themselves into Rob Kardashian freaking the fuck out on Instagram, I will die. Also, someone please be this guy.



We, the citizens of the world, only talked about GLOW for about five minutes this year, but some really awesome looks came out of the series nonetheless. I mean, name me a BFF pair that doesn’t want to rock these bodysuits.


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Westworld is getting far enough back that we’re bordering on irrelevant in the cultural space, but it’s a nice throwback that didn’t have enough traction to create a costume out of last Halloween. The show features a ton of interesting characters for either individuals or a group.

Kimmy Schmidt and Titus

And Jacqueline and Lillian if you’re feeling it. Honestly, this is just cute.

Happy Haunting.

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Veronica Ruckh

Veronica (@VeronicaRuckh) is the Director of Total Sorority Move for Grandex, Inc. After having spent her undergraduate years drinking $4 double LITs on a patio and drunk texting away potential suitors, she managed to graduate with an impressive GPA and an unimpressive engagement ring -- so unimpressive, in fact, some might say it's not there at all. Veronica has since been fulfilling her duties as "America's big," a title she gave to herself with the help of her giant ego. She has recently switched from vodka to wine on weekdays. Email her at

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