
The Shape Of Your Vagina Is Why You Can’t Orgasm During Sex


It’s not exactly a secret that girls have a harder time getting off than guys. I’m convinced it’s because the inner workings of a female’s body and mind are much more complex and sophisticated than a male’s, but that’s just my opinion. In reality, I envy guys and their superb ability to finish in literally any situation at any time ever, and usually pretty quickly. For them, it’s effortless. For us, it’s a little more complicated.

I can get distracted by something during sex, like the TV or my cat or what I want for dinner, and not get there. In the wrong position (AKA anywhere but on top) it can make things even harder. And, as it turns out, there’s an actual physical characteristic that makes it more or less likely that a woman will orgasm during sex. Being a girl is so, so fun.

According to a study orchestrated by Leslie Hoffman of the Department of Anatomy at Indiana University School of Medicine, where your clit is in reference to your urethra (ew, ew) can totally affect whether or not you’re likely to orgasm during penetrative sex. For the women whose clits sailed away on a non-pleasure cruise and thus are up a little higher, getting off during straight sex can be close to impossible because they’re not receiving enough friction.

Seems to me a little like stating the obvious. Like, what? Women need clit play?! WHAT?! No, shit. Why a whole study was necessary to prove that fact when I’ve been directing a guy’s hand/face/tongue directly to that area for years now is beyond me. Thanks, science, for filling me in on exactly why I need to incorporate more vibrator time into my sex life. Because I wasn’t already pretty aware of how necessary that was.

In case you were curious, the optimal distance between where you pee and your magic button is 2.5 centimeters, or slightly less than one inch. Any further apart and it’s pretty much a guarantee you won’t find your bliss with simple penetration. Brb, gonna go measure my vagina now.

[via Medical Xpress]

Image via Shutterstock

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Shannon Layne

My favorite things are tiaras, compliments, and free drinks, which are becoming harder to come by the more I tend to show up at the bar in sweat pants. The proudest moment of my life so far has been landing an actual, paying job that allows me to Facebook stalk people for a living. I tweet about my mom way too often, who is constantly trying to remind me that I'm not nearly as cool as I think I am. Please send me funny stories to read at work here: [email protected]

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