
The Worst Thing Kanye Did To Kim During Their First Year Of Marriage

The Worst Thing Kanye Did To Kim During Their First Year Of Marriage

If you took a break from your excessive drinking this Memorial Day weekend to look at any form of social media, you likely know that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West celebrated their first anniversary on Sunday. Over the weekend, Kim posted about a zillion “throwback” pictures to their over-the-top Italian wedding and the “Hey, it lasted more than 72 days!” jokes abounded. But in an interview on “Live With Kelly & Michael” yesterday, Kim recounted a story that, if she were me, surely would have led to divorce. Kanye dared to fuck with something no man should ever screw with – her closet.

They [Kanye and his stylist] put everything that he thought wasn’t ‘cool enough’ in a pile, and I walked in and it was like a pile to the ceiling of shoes. All my amazing shoes that I loved, and I started crying. I was like, ‘I can’t get rid of this stuff, your stylist has no idea what she’s talking about.’ So I put it all in another room, and I was like, ‘I’ll trust your opinion, but I’m not getting rid of my stuff. Let me see what you’re really talking about.’

Disclaimer: Kim is far from my favorite Kardashian (#TeamKhloé). Still, no one is deserving of the egregious crime of having their shoes THROWN OUT. I know Kanye considers himself to be, among other things, a fashionista, but you cross the line when you mess with a woman’s closet, you self-important asshole. Any dude that dares to touch my shoes – one of my most prized possessions – would be in danger of losing his most prized possession, if you know what I mean. My handbags? He’d be dead within the hour. Of course, in true Kanye-kontrolling style, he had a trick up his sleeve.

Kim continued:

Then I walk into my room, and there’s an entire room filled with all new clothes. All the stuff he wanted to fill back up my closet with. It was, like, really cool new designer stuff — I hadn’t even heard of some of these designers before. And it really helped me fall in love with fashion. I eventually did get rid of most of that stuff, and my style has evolved and changed. But I couldn’t see it at that time.

Personally, I find it completely freaking creepy that Kim’s entire style has changed since Kanye entered the picture and that he seems to dress her like some kind of a life-sized Barbie doll. Even People StyleWatch noticed, stating “These days, of course, the duo is more likely to go out in matching plunging tops or any one of a number of lookalike ensembles, and Kardashian’s formerly Kolorful Kloset has been streamlined to contain mostly neutrals.”

Oh, Kim. You’re a powerful woman, having taken a career that started with a mediocre sex tape with a B-List celebrity and turned it into an empire that is probably worth billions. Of course, I’m pretty sure your mom is like 98 percent responsible for that (which is creepy in its own right), but either way, I find it pretty disturbing that you’re letting a man control your wardrobe, no matter how fashion-forward he may think he is. But more importantly, is life even worth living without red stilettos or a cute printed sundress? I think not.

[via People StyleWatch]

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Jenna Crowley

Jenna used to be known as 2NOTBrokeGirls, but then one of the girls actually went broke, so she's struck out on her own. Jenna spends her free time saving the world, one sorority girl at a time (usually while wearing yoga pants), questioning why she decided to get a doctorate, and documenting her love of all things cheese related. You can ask her anything you want about football, using your boobs to get what you want, and pizza at @JennaLCrowley on Twitter or via email at

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