
These Beautiful Letters To Your Mom Will 100% Make You Sob

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Moms. What a relationship that has been, huh?

When we were young we were o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d with them. Our moms were angels from above and could do no wrong. God, they were the best. Then we became teenagers and thought our moms were total C U Next Tuesdays. How dare she tell me not to ride in cars with boys. How dare she call me to check in. HOW DARE SHE PACK ME A SANDWICH FOR LUNCH EVEN THOUGH I’M NOT EATING CARBS, THAT BITCH. God, they were the worst. Actually, scratch that. We were the worst. But then we grew up a little more. We went off to college and had to make our own food, do our own laundry, buy our own shampoo, and become actual adults. It was around that time that most of us realized something.

Our moms really are angels. They’re kind and soft and they smell good and they make the best sandwiches in the world. No one else listens to you talk about your life for hours on end and find you fascinating. No one else looks at you and thinks that you’re so perfectly beautiful. No one else loves you the way your mother can.

Yeah, moms are the shit. So, when I found an Instagram account dedicated to the special bond moms have with their children, I instantly started sobbing and reading every. Single. Post. It’s called A Letter To My Mom and it is everything.

Basically the account posts pictures and letters from daughters saying beautiful things about their mothers. Plus, it does an awesome job of showcasing celebrities and “common folks” alike.

Heartfelt words from the lovely @kchenoweth to her mom #alettertomymom

A photo posted by A Letter To My Mom (@alettertomymom) on

What would you say to your mom? Use your Instagram skills for good and post a picture of your momma with the hashtag #ALetterToMyMom to celebrate our angels on earth, every day of the year.

[via Instagram]

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Rachel Varina

(yeahokaywhat) Aspiring to be the next Tina Fey, Rachel spends her free time doing nothing to reach that goal. While judging people based on how they use "they're" vs. "there" on social media, she likes eating buffalo chicken dip, watching other people's Netflix, and wearing sweatpants way more than is socially acceptable.

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