
ΚΑΘ Philanthropy Event, Queso For CASA, Which Raises Money For Foster Kids Gets Cancelled After Student Claims The Event Is Racist

Theta Philanthropy Event, Queso For CASA, Which Raises Money For Foster Kids Gets Cancelled After Student Claims The Event Is Racist

I’m coming up on my two year anniversary of writing for Grandex and in that time I have seen some pretty ridiculous complaints about Greek life. That being said, this one is by far the most ridiculous — and that says a lot.

Earlier today, Dillon Cheverere (aka Roger Dorn) received the following anonymous tip and passed it along to TSM:


Didn’t know how else to get this to you, but this morning Quinnipiac’s Kappa Alpha Theta chapter had to postpone their philanthropy event, Queso for CASA which raised money to support kids in foster care. This postponing of events comes in the wake of a self-proclaimed student activist who believe that the event poster was offense because it contained images of moraccas. The girl ran to Student Affairs and demanded action be taken. Theta is obviously pretty upset and the rest of the Greek community has been tweeting and sharing videos about what CASA is in hopes to inform everyone.

Below is her tweet getting all bent out of shape over it.

This is the alleged event poster that was so offensive she had to get it shut down:

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Additionally, she tweeted a picture of the event poster along with the caption “Philanthropy with a side of cultural appropriation and stereotypes. So shameful.”

Give me a fucking break.

There is a fine line between standing up for something you believe in and bitching for the sake of bitching — and this girl has so unnecessarily crossed it. Thanks to her, not only is a wonderful charity not getting a sizable check, but hundreds of college students are missing out on an opportunity to both learn about and help with CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates For Children).

In response to the ridiculous cancellation, members of Quinnipiac Greek Life have rallied around both CASA and Theta in hopes of rescheduling the event.

The fact that anyone could ever take issue with a charitable event for children deeply saddens me. Here’s to hoping that Theta reschedules and raises more money than ever before.

UPDATE: This story is going crazy on the WiGo app right now.

A WiGo representative contacted us earlier this afternoon and said that this is the most popular WiGo event ever, as people from all across the community are coming together to both help CASA raise money and support the Thetas who never intended to offend anyone.

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All WiGo users are allowed to “peek” onto Quinnipiac University’s WiGo page and see just how viral this event has become. Additionally, if you feel so inclined, please click here to donate to CASA and show your support to the Kappa Alpha Theta chapter.

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Catie Warren

From Rush To Rehab (@catie__warren) is a semi-fuctioning adult who has been celebrating her 21st birthday for the past three years. She attended college in the nation’s capital and to this day is angry that Pit Bull lied to her, as you cannot, in fact, party on The White House lawn. Prior to her success with TSM, Rehab was most famous for being featured in her hometown newspaper regarding her 5th grade Science Fair Project for which she did not place. In her spare time, she enjoys attributing famous historical quotes to Marilyn Monroe and getting in fights with thirteen year olds on twitter. Email:

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