
This Guy Perfectly Recreates Iconic Music Video Choreography Side-By-Side

When you’re alone in your room or drunk on the bar, you may think you’re the best dancer that there ever was. You’re giving it you’re all, because you know you look like you’re the star of a music video. And then you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Or someone shows you the incriminating footage of your “dancing” on the bar. And then you realize that it: you’re a terrible dancer.

Unless you’re Troy Miller. When Troy Miller dances he actually looks like they do in music videos. Maybe better, actually.

The Canadian dancer with an obvious passion for dance and pop music learns the choreography from his favorite music videos, places the two side-by-side, and shows up all the famous songstress’ moves he emulates. Not to mention the moves are perfectly replicated. Perfectly.

Just watch his dance cover of Meghan Trainor’s “Me Too.”

Troy is definitely not new to the dance scene. He auditioned for Canada’s “So You Think You Can Dance” twice. However, each time the judges wanted Troy to “masculinize” his dance moves.

But that’s just not for Troy. He stuck to his guns, and continued to dance the way he damn well pleased. Because if he had changed the way he dances, we’d never get this amazing “Ain’t Your Mama” recreation that has J. Lo shaking in her knee-high Rhianna 9-5 Manolo Blahnik boots.

We’d never get to see his invigorating “Slave 4 U” that reminds us all that 2001 was a better time.

But most importantly, we’d never get to witness him doing this flawless, traffic-stopping “Make Me” promo (buy “Make Me” on iTunes) in the middle of the street.

Keep on doing you, Troy.

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Rachel Page

Rachel enjoys spending her time thinking about Britney Spears, whining about being single, and thinking about Britney Spears. She doesn't take to criticism well, so be nice or so she will cry herself to sleep! Email:

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