
This New App Sends Your Ex Lyrics To Sad Songs By Bieber And Adele


If one thing is for certain, it’s that we love fighting with our exes. Nothing compares to the release of finally telling that guy what you’ve been telling your friends about him for weeks. But sometimes, we just get so angry that you can’t articulate how much you want to castrate him and choke him with his own nut sack. That’s where the “Bieber Bomb” comes in.

This app will anonymously send 10 lyrics to the Biebs’ most popular songs over a 12 hour period for $1. There is also an option to receive a transcript of the conversation so you don’t miss a confused moment for $2. If you have more than one ex that you are trying to get back at (don’t we all), then for $2.50 you can choose the Viral Attack option, which sends lyrics to three different people.

For those looking for more of an aggressive exchange, fear not. The creators have also come up with the “Adele Attack” which features lyrics from Adele’s most bitter and heartbreaking hits. So instead of crying into that pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream while scream-singing Someone Like You and wishing your ex knew how you felt, these harrowing lines will be sent directly to his phone. It won’t directly be from you, but at least you can sleep soundly with the knowledge that he knows someone out there is crazy enough about him that they will anonymously send lyrics to popular songs.

The company is working on getting other artists on bored, cough cough Swift Strike, as soon as these two apps catch on. Might I suggest a few more artists whose wallowing words would come in handy:

-Sam Smith Smother
-Beyonce Burst
-Kelly Clarkson Confrontation
-Gotye Gunfire
-Katy Perry Punishment


[via Elle]

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to or by smoke signal.

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