
This Sigma Nu Ole Miss Party Will Make You Rethink Your Summer Plans

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“Pics or it didn’t happen” is so 2013. Thanks to the Sigma Nu brothers at Ole Miss, there’s now a new form of evidence you’ll need in order to prove your fraternity just had one of the most epic outdoor parties in college history: a drone.

During Ole Miss’s Double Decker weekend back in April, the Sigma Nus hired drone photographer Jenner Jordan to film their “Woodstock” party at the fraternity house. The three-minute sequence offers an inside look of the event, complete with aerial footage of the fraternity house and sweeping views of the crowd. Drones have been used to film extreme sports and other things, but this may very well be the first time they’ve been used in Greek life.

Ever since Ole Miss Woodstock, Jordan, who is also a student at Ole Miss, says he’s talked with frats at several different SEC schools that want to have their ragers filmed from above. “We’ve had calls from Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, there’s a few other ones—they’re thinking about the pricing and if it makes sense. We’re also in the process of getting a training camp going to train fliers to work in different states. Right now I only have two other fliers,” said Jordan during an interview with Vice Media.

The niche market for independent drone operators is so small, the government hasn’t even issued regulations for personal drone use yet. That’s some next level shit right there–literally.

[via Motherboard]
[via WDAM]

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Drunk but not in love

(@DrunkNOTinLove) is a die-hard Splenda addict who requires a constant supply of caffeine and male attention to make it through the day. After graduating with her degree in Economics, she now focuses her energy on adding a "Home" to her degree title by perfecting the "intelligent drunk," and conning a banker into marrying her one day. Originally from New England, she is a hardcore Boston sports fan, but only when boys are around. Almost all of her calories consumed Thursday - Saturday (and the occasional Tuesday) are from $7 bottles of Yellowtail Moscato, and in no way, shape, or form is she fazed by this. All forms of hate mail and date party inquiries can be sent to [email protected]

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