
Tulane’s Entire Greek System Put On Social Probation For Partying Too Hard

Tulane's Entire Greek System Put On Social Probation For Partying Too Hard

Every year after sorority Bid Day at Tulane, Greek life comes alive at an event called Serenade Sunday. From my understanding, it is a campus-wide “mixer” of sorts between the new members of each Greek organization as a welcome to the community. Each of the 12 fraternities have their pledges serenade new members from each of the eight sororities, in what sounds like an awesome time.

Per tipster:

Frats welcome the new sorority pledge classes by getting their new pledges blackout by 10 in the morning and forcing them to “serenade” the new babies. Aka blast over played 90s classics on portable speaker systems and sway along, only managing to scream along to few lines they actually do know from the chorus. Meanwhile the new sorority babies, equally as day drunk, are screaming, grinding, and stripping any poor obliterated frat boy in front of them. Each of the 12 frats come to the each of the 8 sororities, all to be met with squeals and sexual harassment. Basically it’s the best day of the year.

This literally makes me want to pull a “Never Been Kissed,” go through the admissions process at Tulane, take classes full-time first semester, and sign up for spring recruitment undercover, just so I can participate in Serenade. This year’s Serenade took place on Sunday, February 2, and things got a little rowdier than usual. Fraternity pledges stripped down, resulting in what was reported as “excessive male nudity.” The sorority pledges kept their clothes, leaving them to walk around campus in their underwear.

Is this a little wild? Sure. Did anyone do anything outside of the realm of “wild?” Well, that’s unconfirmed, but it doesn’t seem that way. Drunk dudes in boxers is nothing. If there weren’t drunk dudes in boxers, I’d be concerned. Regardless, the administration doesn’t feel that way. Director of Fraternity and Sorority Programs Liz Schafer and Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Programs Julia Hankins have confirmed to chapter presidents that ALL of Tulane’s Greek life is on social probation until Mardi Gras. According to the Twitter account @TulaneProblems, parties that are already registered are exempt, but officers are in contact with the heads of Greek life to confirm this.


I wasn’t there, of course, but it sounds kind of bogus, or at least blown out of proportion. The punishment does not fit the crime. Perhaps people got a little rowdy–I hear there were some penis sightings, though I can’t confirm–but I think essentially putting an entire community’s social scene on lock for an entire month is excessive. Force them to take some alcohol awareness classes, make stricter rules for future events, or just give everyone a warning. Grounding the Greeks for a whole month for misbehaving one day? Total Dean Wormer Move. You can’t retroactively punish people for breaking rules you haven’t made yet. But, it’s campus administration, so I guess you can.

Image via Louisiana Record

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Veronica Ruckh

Veronica (@VeronicaRuckh) is the Director of Total Sorority Move for Grandex, Inc. After having spent her undergraduate years drinking $4 double LITs on a patio and drunk texting away potential suitors, she managed to graduate with an impressive GPA and an unimpressive engagement ring -- so unimpressive, in fact, some might say it's not there at all. Veronica has since been fulfilling her duties as "America's big," a title she gave to herself with the help of her giant ego. She has recently switched from vodka to wine on weekdays. Email her at

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