
‘Twas The Night Before Big-Little Reveal

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To all the bigs and littles out there agonizing for weeks: it gets better. The glitter will eventually come out of your hair. The gorilla glue stuck to your nails for the past few days will ruin them, but it won’t burn you like that bitch, the hot glue gun. The reward you’ll get for all of the crafting and evasive measures you’ve taken toward your brand new little is that on the day of reveal, she’ll be more surprised than little kids opening boxes of puppies on Christmas. And littles, not knowing who your big was probably made you nervous, but at the end of the day, you loved the surprise, right? Not to mention that slew of family secrets you learned after reveal–and the copious amounts of wine.

‘Twas the night before reveal and all through the school,
Littles thought what might happen, wondering “Could it be you?”
They’d opened their gift boxes and presents with care,
In hopes that their big was in there somewhere.

They loved all their crafts, the shirts, and the glitter,
But not knowing their big still made them feel bitter!
They set their alarms to wake up the next day
But just couldn’t put their excitement away.

Littles tossed and they turned, they counted their sheep,
But nothing at all could get them to sleep.
Their bigs were the same, doing last minute prep,
Looking forward to revealing the secret they’d kept.

At last, across campus, all the girls were asleep
And dreamed of the hugs they’d give with a leap.
Tomorrow morning will be a spectacular date,
So sleep now my little, I SIMPLY CAN’T WAIT!

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Ives divides her time equally between school, friends, and doing nothing at all. She is also known in her circles of friends as the "aggressive shot pusher."

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