
University Of Kansas Greek Members Are Taking A Stand And Raising Awareness For Sexual Assault Prevention

No one likes to think sexual assault is something that happens on his or her campus. I know I find myself in my own little “ignorance is bliss” mentality, convincing myself that such tragedies could never go on at my school, and that it could never, ever happen to me. The fact remains that a staggering one in five college women are sexually assaulted before they graduate, and a quarter of these victims are sorority women. Based on that statistic, chances are, there is at least one member in your sorority who has been a victim of sexual assault.

The University of Kansas’s Greeks have decided to do something about this as a way to help prevent sexual assault across campuses. It’s time we acknowledge these statistics, and you can take a stand by supporting their pledge to educate members about sexual assault and its impact.

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Rachel Page

Rachel enjoys spending her time thinking about Britney Spears, whining about being single, and thinking about Britney Spears. She doesn't take to criticism well, so be nice or so she will cry herself to sleep! Email:

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