adpidiamond88 (Big)

Member Since 02/08/2011

From Georgia

  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on UMKC

    They’re still your sisters, no matter what. Instead of deeming them as “cows”, maybe look at it as an opportunity for them to reach their potential and represent your sorority well. All that will result from you being ugly to them is having most of your pledges drop and giving your sorority a bad name.

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on UMKC

    I got ya girl 🙂 sorry I came across as rude. A 2.6 in High School is ridiculous! How did she even slide her way into college?

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on university of arkansas

    Yeah, thats a bit different, though- just like you can’t say anything bad about any other houses! Thing that don’t have to do with your chapter, that you are required to stay neutral about, you can’t help it!

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on university of arkansas

    Not having to tell a lie in any shape, form, or fashion because your sorority as it is should be something to aspire to be a part of. TSM.

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on UMKC

    On a lighter note, I do see where you’re going with this. And I agree. 2.6 GPA is not “good” and will not even get you into a good university, much let keep you there. True beauty can get you far in life, but you can get so much farther if you’re beautiful AND intelligent. I get so sick of sorority girls selling themselves short— you’re worth more than that ladies!

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on UMKC

    I doubt you’re talking to me, but there can’t be attractive, smart girls? Wasn’t aware of that. I go to a very prestigious university and have had no problem maintaining at least a 3.5…nor am I unattractive or big…try again.

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on UMKC

    I’m guessing this is what you say to yourself in the mirror judging by your inability to spell “awkward.”

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on university of kentucky

    Agreed! Who WANTS someone to use them for their money anyway? That’s no way to be happy. Even though 6 figures is ideal, who cares if you’re “only” starting off at 85k? You have plenty of time for advancement and then you’ll also have the pride in working hard and working your way up the chain!

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on university of kentucky

    Perhaps not right off the bat, but my father is living proof that it is an attainable goal. Of course, he does have a graduate degree as well as a doctorate, as well as other degrees in Business and psychology- so maybe that has something to do with him being in that 5% of what you claimed. However, a few girls in one of the other sororities on my campus have fathers who work at the same company, don’t make as much as my father, yet they still drive nice vehicles, were in debutaunte pageants, are members of nice country clubs, have vacation homes, etc. I’m not saying my father is the wealthiest man in the world, but I have always had what people would consider a “lavish” lifestyle on his salary alone, as my mom only had a job as a high school teacher before I was born, and then as a part-time adjunct professor at the university in my home town…just because she was bored after we all went off to college. However, the thing that stands out to me way more than my father’s “wealth” is that he has always made sure his children know exactly how hard he had to work to get to this point. That means much more to me than if he had just used one of his fathers connections to land a 6-figure job right out of school…he genuinely had a love ffor engineering and wanted to pursue it. As a result, he has a job he loves that also enables his family to have a nice lifestyle, but always made sure we were aware that what we have is a PRIVILEGE, not a right.

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on university of kentucky

    I’m pretty sure no one said anything about gold digging anywhere in this post….except for you. If someone wanted to be a gold digger, they wouldn’t waste their time with engineering majors, they would go straight to the older engineers who ARE in management and higher positions that have been there for years. My father is an engineer and does VERY well for himself. Of course, he is the VP/ GM of his branch, but that didn’t come right away. However, he and my mom were married right after he got his job (at the same company where he works now), and they have never hurt for a dime. He moved up in the company fairly quickly, and now he is making well over 6 figures, but still- even the people, fresh out of college, who work under him start at $80,000-$85,000 and live comfortably. You can not deny that that is PLENTY for a young couple, right out of college, to begin on- especially when his company provides very good benefits. That being said, you obviously aren’t going to be stuck at that forever, if you are good at what you do and can advance. Before long, you’re making $100k, then $150k, and so on. Other than the ones who ARE fresh out of college, everyone who works for my dad sends their kids to private school and if their spouses work it’s because THEY want to.

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on Texas

    Point being, if you are in a sorority, you should hold yourself to a higher standard.

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on Texas

    These were cute the first hundred times. Now it’s just getting old. I also agree with PerfectPanda- do everything you can to the best of your ability. That’s the reputation sorority women SHOULD have, but because of the posts about skipping class all the time, cheating on tests, and this, people think we are dumb and all gold diggers. Even if I end up being a housewife/ stay at home mom, I will be capable of getting a very prestigious career because of doing well in my studies, not for baking cookies- even though I’m darn good at that too.

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on Loyola University Chicago

    As someone in my second year of Law School, I beg to differ. If you don’t want to believe in God, fine, that’s on you- but don’t be bitter towards those who do. Christianity is FAITH based- not something that necessarily has to be Scientific. You’re free to have your beliefs, or lack thereof, but don’t try to accost those of us who have done nothing to you, as I’m sure you wouldn’t want us all harrassing you saying you’re going to hell.

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on Eastern Illinois University

    Rfwarner, I think you look healthy, but that is a RARE case. You are blessed, because when I weighed 105 I just looked like a stick….a 0 was too big on me. However, they were just posting their opinions about what they prefer. SOME people would think you were too thin, I’m sure. Some people would think I’m too big…it’s all about preference. I don’t see you jumping on those posts that are calling anyone 140+ a whale? So I guess that’s okay, but you’re going to jump on people and call them names like an elementary school child when they comment on your weight? This is all an issue of opinion. I honestly think some doctors might recomend you to gain weight at first, judging by numbers, but from what I’m gathering you are probably one of those people who just has a really high metabolism and that’s that.

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  • adpidiamond88 13 years ago on UK

    I would be careful with that. Most guys see that as a red flag and it scares them off unless you’re married or at least engaged. Guys want to open their closet doors to nothing but Lilly almost as much as they want their bathrooms cluttered with your exfoliating washes and girly stuff. I’m honestly not trying to be rude, I’ve just known a few girls who thought they were on the road to being engaged, then they did just what you posted, and no more boyfriend.

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