ArnoldPalmer777 (Big)

Member Since 05/13/2011

From Texas

  • ArnoldPalmer777 13 years ago on University of Central Florida

    I have actually watched the show and if you read my previously stated summation of it you would know that. The one episode I watched showed little girls being bratty and stuck up. If my grasp of social interaction among children is correct, this completely contradicts her defense of giving a child something that will help her better socialize with her peers. That is just one flaw in her “justification”…these toddlers were having their hair straightened, make up put on them and having eyelashes glued to their face for what? A bedroom set? Excuse my candor but this seems borderline torturous for a child who is just out of infancy to have to go through. “Oh she gets real fussy when she gets sleepy so I gave her some special drink.” Red bull to a toddler? Are you joking? Justify that.

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