babydiamond18 (Big)

Just generally trying to serpress my really bitchy comments

Member Since 05/19/2015

From Florida

  • babydiamond18 9 years ago on Do These Sketches Found At LP Headquarters Prove That Lilly Pulitzer Hates Fat People?

    I’m a firm believer that weight collates with health (as in sure any doctor will tell you as well). Some people are over weight because they eat poorly and do not take care of themselves properly. I used to be one of them. Of course there are people with actually disabilities (such as metabolism or thighroid problems) that make it impossible for them to loose weight, but those who are making unhealthy and unwise life choices should be made aware of why being over weight isn’t good for you. Obesity leads to so many health problems that can result in death. I’m not saying they should be shamed, but they certainly shouldn’t be coddled like babies and told that it’s ok to damage your body in irreversible ways.

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  • babydiamond18 9 years ago on Do These Sketches Found At LP Headquarters Prove That Lilly Pulitzer Hates Fat People?

    I work at one of the Lilly Pulitzer retail stores and I can honestly say that although we do have some extremely thin people working there, we also have a considerable amount of over weight people there too. Lilly Pulitzer is NOT against far people, which is why they make their clothes up to size 16 and even XXL even though their clothes already run a little big!
    As for the rave over these drawings…. I do this ALL the time! Someone is trying to motivate themselves to lose weight, so what?? How would you like your personal motivation plastered all over the Internet?

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