FratGrenade (Big)

Member Since 01/12/2011

From California

  • fratgrenade 13 years ago on Alabama

    southern proper lady, i shut you down on my response which is why you didnt reply. texas people are often fat but still a lot of quality looks to be found in the lone star state. i was more referring to the sec states. your girls are wildly overrated. left california to go to ole miss cuz i got lucky and had a good time in my visit. went back cuz i realized your girls were wildly overrated, none of you know how to party (you think you do but you dont), your weather sucks ass, you all take yourselves too seriously, youre the fattest region in the nation (thats a fact, look up statistics), you live like youre stuck in the 60s (1860s, that is), and you battle your insecurities about being ugly by spending what little money you have on expensive clothes in an effort to be “fratty” which leaves little money to throw a decent party. think im kidding? contact me during halloween next year and come to santa barbara, CA and youll realize how much better college life is outside of your fake, fairy tale, fantasy sec bubble.

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  • fratgrenade 13 years ago on Auburn

    im honestly shocked you skanks havent gotten the message youre unwanted here. is an unclaimed domain name. now please, be humble and do us all a favor and leave this site alone. i’d include some kind of kitchen or sandwich insult, but im quite sure someone else will do that for me.

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  • fratgrenade 13 years ago on Ole Miss

    that…and the one that said i don’t poop. other than that, i cant believe these women havent gottent the clue that theyre not wanted here.

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  • fratgrenade 13 years ago on University of Miami

    hahahahah ya man check out 90% of the posts on this website. such a joke. conceited southern morons think theyre hot shit cuz the cost of living in the dirty south is so low they can exploit their mediocre income AND brag about it.

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