Describing boys from home to your sisters by telling them which fraternity they would be in. TSM.
Describing boys from home to your sisters by telling them which fraternity they would be in. TSM.
The absolutely priceless look on your little’s face when she finds out you are her big. TSM.
Don’t be the girl that’s never the sober sister, but don’t be the girl that’s always the sober sister either. TSM.
Our version of Bows and Toes involves hair ribbon and pedicures. TSM.
You’re always wearing your letters. TSM.
Sometimes the best sister bonding moments are the ones we barely remember. TSM.
My definition of classy and your definition of classy are two completely different things. TSM.
Not ready for babies next semester because you liked your pledge class being the center of the older girls’ attention. TSM.
I can talk about my sisters. You can’t. TSM.