KappaDLady (G-Big)

Member Since 01/12/2011

From Texas

  • KappaDLady 12 years ago on Rutgers University

    Whoa. This is so weird. My ads on Facebook are like all like Greek, too. Lady friends, do you like think we’re like being stalked or something?????? HOW DO THEY KNOW????? Oh my gah I bet the government has something to do with this!!! The man is like trying to sabotage Greeks by giving all our Facebook ads viruses and tricking us into clicking on them!!! Fuck you Obama!!!!!! I’m voting for Rick perry anywayz!!!!!

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  • KappaDLady 12 years ago on Louisiana State University

    I do too!!!!!!!! Like I watch it and then like memorize like a line from it and then text it to like every fratdaddy like here I’ll give U like a free example. “OMG John did you like see that like hockey game that was on? Well like the score was like 3-2!!!! The flying people won!” like they are always like so friggin impressed about me having sportz knowledge. And like because I read good housekeeping it says that like yeah I’m like a sports genius but I’m also a girl too!!!!!!! The fratdaddys never text me back but im pretty sure its just cuz theyre masturbating! I bet it turnz them on and stufffz! Seriously girlfriend you should heed my advice like cause it’s totes works. Gahhhh I just fucking love good housekeeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • KappaDLady 12 years ago on Millersville University

    Omgz like it could be from like either one right?! Scary time!!!’ what if it’s like a brain tumor or something??? And you like thought it was like your headband? Omgz girlfriend you should get this checked out. Oh and take some ibuprofen. I think you can buy it at cvs. Itz like this pain med stuff. But not that kind that gets you like high, ya know? Just the kind that like Normal people use. So like pleeze comment back how your condition is progressing!!! Praying 4 you sista. U can make it through this I promise!!!!!!! We r here 4 u!

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  • KappaDLady 12 years ago on Pacific

    True story, sista. Like one time I like got like drunk ish ya know and like decided to like paint my nails and stuff. So I thought like what’s something fratty I could like put on my nails. Because GUYZ CARE BOUT DEM NAILS, YO! So I was all like well duh I must paint them Merica theme!! So I finished my bottle of moscato. Oh and I drank like all of it by myself!!! How cool? But anywayz back to my story! So I was painting my nails and stuff and I like decided to do Merica theme. And so I was like omg I don’t have any blue nail polish. And I’ve gotta have some blue on there right? If I didn’t they’d look at china.. Or Japan or whatever the one with the red dot. So I went to like all around my sorority house (all the girls like adore me right) and like no one had blue. And then I found someone with.blue. So I started to paint my nails. I totally like painted a perfect looking flag on like all of my fingernails. I think I passed out while painting my left hand but I guess I’ll never know since I strictly drink alone. Duh. So after I finished my uber totes presh nailys I knew what I had to do next. Submit a picture to TSM OF COURSE!!!!!! Duh. So like it made it on the page!!!!!! Except it was under someone else’s username and like.. It wasn’t my hand. I don’t think. Unless I got like really tan all of a sudds! Yeah. Um I guess the moral of like my story is like don’t submit pictures of your beautiful nails to TSM. Cause some hoe might try to steal your idea or like superimpose my nails onto their very tan hands. I could sue you I bet!!!!!! Project!

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  • KappaDLady 12 years ago on Mizzou

    Yeah omg how bad would that be if I opened up my trunk and there were ONLY 3 SHOPPING BAGS?!?! I would just die on the spot

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