Making your bed perfectly even when you have absolutely no intention of sleeping in it tonight. TSM.
Making your bed perfectly even when you have absolutely no intention of sleeping in it tonight. TSM.
I looked hot today. He missed out. TSM.
Heel yes to shoe shopping! TSM.
Catching more flies with honey than vinegar. TSM.
Being classy and going home at a reasonable hour, because nothing but trashy legs are open after 2am. TSM.
Sisters and good manners will carry you where money won’t. TSM.
Mom and I “tidying-up” prior to the housekeeper arriving so she doesn’t see our house a mess. TSM.
Your name is not Mr. Right, but I’ll still be your shacker tonight. TSM.
Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears. TSM.
Pouting until you get your way. TSM.