Planning your outfit around your hickeys. TSM.
Planning your outfit around your hickeys. TSM.
Feeling relieved when a girl in letters walks toward you the minute your class is assigned a group project. TSM.
Not needing to bring an umbrella with you because your boyfriend will have the pledges waiting to give you a ride after class. TSM.
Using your 21st birthday tiara to get you out of trouble at every bar. TSM.
The silent post-spring break “Who raged harder?” Facebook album competition. TSM.
Bro code. TFM. Bow code. TSM.
Stocked up for Nemo with wine, crafting supplies, and Finding Nemo. TSM.
Big-little week crafting means your room is ruined so your little’s is beautiful. TSM.
The baristas at Starbucks greeting you by name. TSM.
Weekly Sunday brunches. TSM.