Being a 0 and a 10 at the same time. TSM.
Being a 0 and a 10 at the same time. TSM.
There’s no wine in my calorie counter’s database, so I’m taking that to mean it doesn’t count. TSM.
Having a collection of fake IDs to pass on to your future littles and grandlittles. TSM.
Knowing you’ve found the perfect wedding dress when you’ve pinned it more than once. TSM.
Wining and Vining. TSM.
Making a secret board on Pinterest for recruitment. TSM.
Nothing is truly as satisfying as knowing his ex-girlfriend got fat. TSM.
“It’s ok, I worked out today.” TSM.
Accidentally pulling an eyeliner pencil out of your bag when a sister asks for a pencil to take notes. TSM.
That gratifying moment when his parents start calling you their daughter. TSM.