rose_and_white (G-Big)

Member Since 01/13/2011

From Georgia

  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Texas A&M

    Actually, Cowbells, the definition of the word “invent” means to create something that has never existed before. So, while she’s not saying “OMGeezie! We’re totes the first org for women everrrr”, she IS implying (in a way) that they were first. When you truly are first (ADPi) and second (Phi Mu)–and when you started practically at the same time and in the same place–there IS a sense of pride there. Macon Mags don’t take lightly to people trying to take what is rightfully ours.

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Texas A&M

    Well, you better log out and get to work, then! With an attitude like that, your own two hands will have to take care of ALL of those things this evening.

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on College of Charleston

    Oh heavens, “doll”. She’s just saying that her charmed life is a little more charmed than usual. Lay off the Addy and quit analyzing metals. Geez, Louise.

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Texas A&M

    ADPi was the first secret society for women in 1851, then Phi Mu came in 1852. Both were considered “Fraternities”, since they pre-dated the word “sorority”. I don’t know anyone else’s history because frankly, if you’re not a Macon Magnolia, I don’t really care, but GPhiB MAY be the first “sorority”. Bless their hearts, trying to manipulate words 😉 Kidding.

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on university of iowa

    True, Pi53. They’re either not wearing them enough, they’re not wearing them near water, or worse, they’re wearing them with SOCKS (TGeedM). If your Sperry’s don’t smell icky, then something is not right. It’s just the way it is.

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on My Precious, Adorable, Perfect Little

    I, too, am a Georgia peach! I know a lot of KSU girls, but I’m from Theta Theta chapter. Boooo! My Great Grand Little has TWINS in this Phi class, so when I read your comment, I was like “AMANDA?!!” I’m in North Carolina for grad school now and I feel a little detached. Clearly, I get excited–what can I say?! Oh well! LIOB

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Tulane University

    I think it just depends on the school. In our Greek system, we called them “lavalieres” (I actually never heard of it called a “drop” before TFM) AND only the guys had them. I knew that they were made with sorority letters, but it was definitely a “guy thing” at my school (and to further clarify that statement–the guys didn’t even wear them; They only gave them to serious girlfriends).

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