rose_and_white (G-Big)

Member Since 01/13/2011

From Georgia

  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on University of Pittsburgh

    I’m typically a Sharpie pen kind of girl, but my secretary bought me pink mechanical pencils just for this reason; They’re BIC Color Codes!

    Yes. Erasable pink pencils saved my life…and my Lilly agenda!

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Michigan State University

    “Bitches” and “gayest”? What horrid language, young “sratling”. You just proved our point– you are in no way, shape, or form sratty, ladylike, worthy, or mature enough to be esteemed among Panhel women. Run along and let us worry about “actual rush”–you probably have pre-algebra homework to worry about before your bedtime.

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Michigan State University

    Oh wow, Daisy. You’re right. YOU should totally come HERE and tell US what to do. Oh boy, what was I thinking?!

    One day, if you’re actually blessed enough to wear letters, you’ll understand where we’re coming from. We don’t dislike you simply because you’re in high school. We dislike you and ask you to remember your place (pretty much ALL THE TIME) because what you’re doing is insulting. If a high school girl (or any-aged-girl) lurked around a house and posed like she belonged there in real life, the ramifications and disdain would be just the same!

    No matter how preppy you are, no matter how witty you think you are, no matter what you THINK you know about being a sorority/fraternity woman–you just haven’t made it, yet. And yes, this is just an anonymous website, it’s not THAT big of a deal, but you didn’t rush, you weren’t preffed and chosen, you didn’t put in your time as a pledge, and you have not entered into a sisterhood or offered a single promise of a bond to any of us. Yet, you come around here acting like you know what we’re talking about and acting like you deserve to be counted among those of us who HAVE been chosen, who HAVE earned it, and who HAVE made the promises and sacrifices.

    You’re correct in thinking that TSM is a state of mind (as you’ve said before), but it’s also a delicate blend of something that you’ve been chosen to receive and something you’ve earned– and you just haven’t been chosen OR worked toward earning a single thing. So take your juice and cookies and call us in a few years.

    It was so nice talking with you. So nice.

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Michigan State University

    Actually, Soroyalty (totes cute/clever name, BTW!!)–Everyone knows Daisy is still in high school. She admitted it herself.

    And Daisy..seriously. I appreciate that you appreciate the things we sorority women appreciate, but until you’re on OUR side of the fence, you have absolutely no idea what’s going on in our world. Lurk around, fine, but don’t try to run with the big dogs while you’re still a pup. Maybe one day…but today is not that day.

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Western IL University

    My girls threw me a princess themed birthday party this summer!! Loved it. Definitely got asked if it was my Sweet 16 as we were leaving dinner.

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on University of Washington

    I’m sure she meant Greek letters, as well. However, “written memos” may be “outdated”, but who doesn’t love a handwritten letter delivered in the mail on beautifully coordinated stationary? I love sending “just because” hand-written letters in the mail and I LOVE receiving them!

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Belmont University

    I loved working on my ECE degree in undergrad and I loved my time spent as a second grade teacher. I’m now entering my third year as a Master of Divinity student and I hope to combine my two degrees to enter the full-time mission field as an educator, maybe somewhere in South Asia or the Middle East.

    It sincerely warms my heart to see so many Panhel ladies going after their dreams and pursuing higher education. One day, I would love to be a stay-at-home-mom and support my husband’s ministry, as many of you would also like to stay home and support your men, but being beautiful, connected, AND smart and equipped while doing it is the USM–Ultimate Srat Move!!

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on LSU

    My lil and I call them “chicken breasts”…because that’s what they look like!

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  • rose_and_white 13 years ago on Purdue

    I don’t shop at Kohl’s frequently, but I do tend to find great workout clothes there at a good deal.

    And for the record, being THAT bratty about a store is NS. Being able to pull together a great outfit ANYwhere you shop is a TSM!

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