I don’t have resting bitch face. I actually just hate you. TSM.
I don’t have resting bitch face. I actually just hate you. TSM.
During my time in the library, you can find me snapchatting, going to Starbucks, Facebook stalking, Tweeting, Vining, and occasionally studying. TSM.
Hating the first girl who decided to paint a cooler for her date. TSM.
I never said I’m better than you, but that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking it. TSM.
I’m not a shopaholic. I’m just really good at spending money. TSM.
Your school and your sorority having the same colors. TSM.
When the most stressful thing on spring break is finding the perfect hat to match your dress for Carolina Cup. TSM.
If you don’t come back from spring break with a tan, it’s like you never went. TSM.