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Member Since 08/18/2013

From Florida

  • igiveup 8 years ago on Your Ex Was An Asshole, Not A "Sociopath" -- On Emotional Abuse And Dating Someone With Mental Illness

    It does not “manifest” differently. It is diagnosed differently. There have been studies that have found that when the same case on paper is presented to psychologists who diagnose, cases with female names are likely to be given a BPD diagnosis, while male names are likely to receive Antisocial Personality Disorder diagnoses. The symptoms of BPD are often misdagnosed as BD in generall, since mood instability is a feature of both.

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  • Babygryph 8 years ago on I Went Through My Roommate's Phone And Found Out She Secretly Hates Me

    I just went through the same thing but I’m on the other side of the spectrum. My room mates went into my room and searched their names in my iMessage app and found a bunch of content between me and my boyfriend that should have never seen the light. Despite the things I wrote about them, I didn’t mean it. Whether you like to admit it or not, EVERYONE is guilty of saying things about the people they care about including yourself. If it’s a long distance relationship too it’s normal that you’ve found this stuff because she can’t talk to him in person about it which you do to her. If anyone is guilty here it’s you and you owe your friend Kaycee an apology. I hope she finds out that you not only broke her trust but the law. Disgusting

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  • kfox92 8 years ago on Your Ex Was An Asshole, Not A "Sociopath" -- On Emotional Abuse And Dating Someone With Mental Illness

    Actually you’re wrong, borderline personality disorder manifests as bipolar ll in men which leads to a misdiagnosis. Bpd shows up differently in men than women because of their testosterone levels which is why it is often mistaken as bipolar ll. All of the attributes she spoke of in the article, would be of someone with unreglated bpd; waves of devaluement vs obsession, drug addiction, anger, and delusions.

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  • SKVA310 8 years ago on Your Ex Was An Asshole, Not A "Sociopath" -- On Emotional Abuse And Dating Someone With Mental Illness

    I was in a relationship with someone like this for two years out of my five during college. We met in the dorms freshman year. I thought he was cute and this was the first boy to ever show an interest in me. He told my roommate that he thought I was cute and he asked her for my number. He quickly texted me telling me that it was ‘_’ and I couldn’t have been more excited. We went on our first “date” which was a walk around campus. Talking to him was easy. I was definitely nervous, but I felt a sort of peace with him, like I had known him forever.

    I should’ve known to stay away after the first party I went to during the first week of college. I had never drank in high school and I had always been close to my parents and did the right thing, but wanted to let loose and have fun for once in my life. Yes, I got drunk. No, I wasn’t sloppy, I was having fun. I had about 4 shots and I was drunk. He was crying, trying to get people to basically feel sorry for him because he apparently had alcoholism in his family, which I found out later wasn’t true. He judged everyone and anyone who drank. He said only whores drink because alcohol makes you do bad things. He also said he couldn’t stand the fact that I wore heels because they were considered “whore shoes.” I didn’t realize I needed his permission on what I can and can’t wear. This was only the beginning.

    A couple months went by and we were good. We eventually started dating and I quickly fell deeply in love with the guy. He was my first everything and he used it to his advantage. He told me he had never slept with anyone else. BULLSHIT. He had slept with a couple other girls before me. I wouldn’t have cared, I just wish he had told me. I didn’t find that out until a year after we stopped dating, from one of his ex girlfriends. I confronted him about it and he just called me insane and crazy to even go to the lengths of asking his ex’s. I didn’t think so. I wanted to find out the truth and so I did.

    He hated my family. He told me I was too close to my mom because we spoke on the phone almost everyday. Mind you, this was my first time away from her, I missed her all the time. I was also 1000+ miles away from home. He told me my dad was an asshole and that my brother was weird. I wasn’t too fond of his family, but I loved them because they were his. Clearly he couldn’t do the same for me. He even said my dog was weird because he was too small. WHO THE FUCK MAKES FUN OF A DOG.

    He hated my friends. He hated my music. He hated how I dressed. He hated everything about me, but yet he “loved” me. How fucked up is that? How can you want to change so much about a person and still say you’re in love with them? I never wanted to change a thing about him except that he was so mean and judgmental. I wanted him to understand that words can hurt. Every time I would tell him he was hurting me, he would twist it around and say I was hurting him. He would cry. My god could that boy cry. He had me fooled. I thought he cried because of how much he loved me and how he never wanted to lose me. I was SO wrong. It was a manipulation tactic. Anytime I would do something he didn’t like, he would cry. I would always give in. I just thought it was because he cared. He wanted to keep me on a short leash and I wasn’t having it.

    The first time we broke up was during Christmas break. I was home for the first time since beginning college and finally felt like I could breathe and think again. I remember telling my then BFFs everything that had been going on and we just cried. They helped me build up the courage to call him and call it off. He of course went off. He called me dumb. He called me ugly. He said he was the best thing to ever happen to me and that I was making a horrible mistake. I told him that he had been killing me by hurting me so much. He didn’t care about me. He wanted to control me. He kept telling me different and I wanted to believe him so badly, but I couldn’t. Turns out over Christmas break and over Thanksgiving break, he had been cheating on me with both of his ex’s who didn’t even know I existed. I also didn’t find this out until after a year of being broken up.

    When I got back to school in January, he was waiting in my dorm room with my roommates. We all had the same friends, soI knew I was going to see him again. The room became silent as I walked in, as I am sure they knew exactly what was going on, but only his version. He was sitting at my desk acting like nothing was bothering him and I told him to get the fuck out in front of everyone. He said no. I told him to leave or I would get our RA. He called me insane and walked out. I went to go put my things away and closed the door. My roommate came to help me and wanted to talk about what had just happened. I explained to her what had happened. She told me to talk to him, some friend she was. But being a stupid 18 year old, I took her advice and I did. We talked later that night, had sex, and were back together within 2 hours. DUMB.

    Over break I had signed up for Spring recruitment. He hated greek life and everything about it, so I didn’t mention it. I got an email from one of the houses on campus that wanted to meet me, so I went, without telling him anything. When he asked me where I was I finally told him and he immediately called me whore. He said “So you want to be a whore? That’s step one.” So we fought about it. I told him I wasn’t even sure if I was going to do it. That’s when the discussion ended. We had sex that night because that’s how I thought problems were fixed and we went to sleep.

    Two days later, a group of girls showed up at my door offering me a bid. I was SO excited and eagerly accepted it. I wasn’t even thinking about him. All I could think about was the new friendships, memories, and fun times that were about to happen in my life and I was overwhelmed with joy I started crying. I am sure the girls standing there thought it was strange, but I didn’t care. They didn’t know what was going on so I am sure they just thought I was super excited. After they had left, I went from on an extreme high to an extreme low. I knew I was going to have to tell him. He came to my room later that night and I told him. He was furious.

    We were talking about what this meant for us and I told him nothing was going to change and he just kept saying this was going to turn me into a whore, etc, etc. I eventually just zoned him out and went on my computer to Facebook my friends and tell them what was happening. They were over 1000+ miles away, so they couldn’t do anything besides tell him to leave. They texted him and called him, which only made him more mad. He grabbed my computer and threw it across the room against the cement wall. I was immediately frozen and scared. Before he grabbed it, I had messaged one of my hall mates asking them if they could get the RA or help me get him out of my room. Something wasn’t right with him. His eyes quickly turned black and I was petrified. I tried leaving my room, but he grabbed my arms and twisted it, leaving finger print bruises on me. I fought back and broke free and attempted to leave my room again. I was wearing a hoodie sweatshirt and made it out of my room, but he grabbed the hood on my sweatshirt and pulled me back into the room and choked me. He snapped out of it and realized what he had done. I was laying there on the floor when he left, crying and wanting to die. I couldn’t believe it.

    I told my RA and my roommates the next day, but no one believed me. He had spoken to them first and had told them that, “If she comes to you saying I hurt her, it’s not true. We just had a misunderstanding.” My RA told me to my face that he didn’t ‘mean it.’ WHAT THE FUCK. An RA is supposed to be someone who watches out for you. Someone who is supposed to help you in situations like this. I knew from that day forward no one was going to believe me and that I was on my own.

    I moved out of the dorms and into my sorority later that month and I finally felt like this would be a new beginning for me. He and I had broken up because I left the dorms and because of the incident. He ended up back in my life because I missed him like a heroine addict misses being high. I needed my fix and he was it. He and I met somewhere on campus and talked things out. I forgave him again. I forgave him for hurting me. For bruising me. For making me feel like I wanted to kill myself right then and there. He cried because he said he was sorry for what he did to me. I said it was okay. It was never okay. I never ever should’ve forgiven him.

    We were okay for awhile, things seemed to be normal. He would make his typical I don’t like this or you shouldn’t do that comments, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Then formal season came around. I of course asked him to be my date. He said yes but he said he had nothing to wear. I told him to go buy a cheap button up and tie from Target, but he refused. He said he shouldn’t have to dress up. So I ignored him and bought it myself because I didn’t want to argue. My friends in the sorority were having a pregame and invited him and I. He immediately said no. He said I am not going to be around drunk whores. I started crying and told my friends what he had said. I uninvited him and told him he was no longer welcome at our functions. I invited one of our mutual friends, which I knew would kill him and we had a great time. We drank, we danced, we took pictures, and just had a fun time.

    After formal, he was texting me and texting me asking me if I was going to sleep with him because I was drunk and that’s what drunk whores do. This guy and I slept together, but not like you would think. Yes, we slept in the same bed and I cried about my boyfriend while he held me and got us McDonald’s. This poor kid was being so nice to me and I was crying over someone who was a complete asshole.

    We spoke after formal and I forgave him again. I was starting to hate myself and I started losing friends. I lost my best friends from home and I was starting to lose friends in the sorority.

    This behavior went on for another year before I officially transferred out of the school and called it quits. Come to find out he had been talking with another girl for the last 5 months of our relationship. Oddly enough she is a sorority girl and is just as much as a fucking crazy, psychotic, asshole as him. They’re perfect for each other. I hope they can’t procreate because those children would be coming from satan himself.

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  • DaniMarie95 8 years ago on Your Ex Was An Asshole, Not A "Sociopath" -- On Emotional Abuse And Dating Someone With Mental Illness

    Oh my god why are you all tearing her up word for word. Her word choice for what to call this absolutely horrible man really doesn’t matter. What happened to her is the important thing. I expected these comments to all be supportive, encouraging or relatable stories from other women. Do not to diminish what she went through by pulling her story apart sentence by sentence. God damn ladies have some class and respect.

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  • grrrlp0wer 8 years ago on Your Ex Was An Asshole, Not A "Sociopath" -- On Emotional Abuse And Dating Someone With Mental Illness

    No. “BPD symptoms” usually manifests in men as antisocial personality disorder. The whole point of this article is to not throw around the term “sociopath” when talking about guys who are just douches… but this girls ex has not even been clinically diagnosed with any type of mental illness. Contradiction at it’s finest.

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  • electraaheart 8 years ago on Your Ex Was An Asshole, Not A "Sociopath" -- On Emotional Abuse And Dating Someone With Mental Illness

    Okay. Lets go over this. Your words only.

    Paragraph 1: “My ex-boyfriend is the worst person I’ve ever known….I find myself almost offended when girls say that their boyfriends were “sociopaths” for not calling back when they said they would, or even for cheating….But those things don’t mean your ex was a psychopath, a sociopath, or a sufferer of some other type of all-encompassing personality disorder.
    My ex was.”

    ~Here she is specifically claiming her ex as a “psychopath, a sociopath, or a sufferer of some other type of all-encompassing personality disorder”.

    The immediate next sentence: “He was never officially diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. That specific diagnosis is just what I — along with some others who are fairly educated on mental illness and were once close to him — have hypothesized to be the case.”

    ~Here she is claiming that he has not actually been diagnosed with a disorder, she (and apparently others) are making “educated” speculations.

    And then, the final paragraph: “And so, your boyfriend might have been an asshole. He might have been a fuckboy. He might have been a really selfish, dishonest, mean, terrible, terrible person. But unless he was actually a sociopath, don’t say that he was.”

    ~Here she is claiming that you should not speculate or call your boyfriend a sociopath unless he *actually* is.

    ~See to 2nd paragraph where author states “those things don’t mean your ex was a psychopath, a sociopath, or a sufferer of some other type of all-encompassing personality disorder…..My ex was.”

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