
What Your Favorite Back-To-School Item Says About You

Back To School


Grey Backpack
Remember the excitement that comes with getting your new backpack for the year? You’re the happy-go-lucky type of girl who is genuinely excited about the upcoming school year and all that it has in store. Even as a kid, you didn’t really dread going back to school after summer vacation, because with the new year came new friends, new memories, new boyfriend, and best of all new back to school gear!!

Throw Blankets and Pillows

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A decorative blanket for the design bug. You’re a creative type who gets excited about having a new room to make your own at the beginning of each year. A comfy statement blanket or throw pillows can pull your whole room together and you know it. Even in adulthood, your whimsical side gets the best of you from time to time. You’re currently spending your summer daydreaming about all the crafts you’re about to make for your littles and g-littles, and who knows, maybe a few for yourself. But until the time comes to welcome the new addition into your family, your first and foremost project is your bedroom.


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f your absolute favorite back-to-school item is your coffee mug this can mean one of two things. You may be the introvert queen of America who loves to get snuggly on a Sunday morning with a big cup of coffee and your thoughts OR you might be the high-strung girl who lives in the library, cracked out on caffeine until 2 am in a state of mild delirium, with hopes of passing the exam you just crammed for. Either way, a good mug — one that just magically makes the coffee taste better — is an absolute staple of any college girl’s belongings. It’s the kind of “community” dishware that technically you’ll let your roommates borrow, but you find yourself angry when they do, so you end up buying them their own as a hint to lay off.

Yoga Pants

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Ohhhhhhh, give it a rest, ya show off. We get it. You have a great body and it didn’t come naturally. You work out. You caught the fitness bug years ago and try really hard to get your girlfriends on board. You write them workouts and meal plans that they’ll follow for three days maybe, but eventually, they won’t be able to hear you over the sound of the pizza delivery at the door. Oh well. At least you look incredible.


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Some might say you’re the mom of the group. Okay… everyone would say you’re the mom of the group. You’re the planner, the leader, and just a liiiiittttle bit type A. You get a thrill out of crossing things off your checklist and you love nothing more than having a perfectly color coordinated set of notes. You can be a tad bit bossy from time to time, and you get super anxious when people stray from the plans — but you wouldn’t be that way if people just listened to you! You ARE always right after all. You have a note from April 2013 to prove it.


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What is class? What is going out? What is being in public, ever? Why would you leave the comfort of your home, and the comfort of your comfy clothes to venture out into the cold, cruel world where there are things like responsibilities, and social interactions? Having a cute pair of slippers tells me two things about you. The first is that you don’t really like people. The second is that you still like people enough to want their Instagram likes in your perfectly curated lazy Sunday morning photo of your feet. I get it. Why go out into the world for your social validation when you can get exactly what you want from people without having to put on real shoes.

Jewelry Box

You’re a little bit of a diva. Okay, you are the Queen B of diva. But that’s okay. It’s all just part of your charm. You’re a mini Glamazon, and you live for the finer things in life, which is exactly why you need a place to put the finer things in life. You love your jewelry box A) because it’s cute AF, and B) because it has all your ~gems~ inside. Or you know, 50,000 chokers. Whatever.

Ivory Ella is a charitable company with cute AF products ranging from tees and tanks, to PJs, to home decor, to Alex and Ani jewelry, which is fab — but better yet, a portion of the proceeds go to saving the elephants. Use code TSM10 for 10% off your Ivory Ella purchase.

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Veronica Ruckh

Veronica (@VeronicaRuckh) is the Director of Total Sorority Move for Grandex, Inc. After having spent her undergraduate years drinking $4 double LITs on a patio and drunk texting away potential suitors, she managed to graduate with an impressive GPA and an unimpressive engagement ring -- so unimpressive, in fact, some might say it's not there at all. Veronica has since been fulfilling her duties as "America's big," a title she gave to herself with the help of her giant ego. She has recently switched from vodka to wine on weekdays. Email her at

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