
Why 2013 Is Already Your Best Year Yet

You Haven’t Made Any (Real) Mistakes Yet

Even if you attended a particularly ridiculous New Year’s Eve rager and got sloppier than you would have liked, you haven’t made any real mistakes in 2013. The O.C. taught us that your New Year’s Eve will define the rest of your year, and The O.C. is always right. Having a fabulous, incredible, slightly shambles-filled New Year’s Eve just means you’re going to have an even better year. If you decided it made perfect sense to march yourself (and your LBD) into the ocean in the dead of night for a New Year’s Eve OFMO (ocean floor makeout, obviously), then you know 2013 is going to be a weird, but unforgettable year for you. Not that that happened to me, and I’m definitely not still trying to get the sand out of my wedges.

The point is, unless you’re starting the year with an actual permanent mistake, like a spur of the moment ribcage tattoo, which, by the way, is the new tramp stamp, you’ll start 2013 with a completely clean slate. If you didn’t have countless a couple of regrettable nights in 2012, you’d have been missing out, but it’s over now, meaning you can get as crazy as you want in 2013. If anyone is rude enough to bring up past transgressions just remind them that they were so last year. “It’s in the past” is a much better excuse than pretending to be blackout, anyway.

New Year, New Boy(s)

Speaking of past mistakes, a new year always calls for a new boy. The mistakes you MO’ed in 2012 are now behind you…metaphorically, you pervert. You’re certain to find someone far superior in the upcoming year. He’ll be cuter, in a better house, and he’ll have a formal you’ll actually want to go to. Even if he’s not actually better, he’ll still be better, because he’ll be newer, and isn’t it the newness what makes everything exciting to begin with?

You can also use this opportunity to learn from anything you could have maybe, possibly, in some slight capacity, done wrong with previous gentlemen. Be a little less clingy, and he might chase you. Pump the breaks on your trip to Blackout City, and you might remember part of your “relationship.” See if you can somehow refrain from stalking your new and improved suitor on Facebook/Twitter/Foursquare/G+/LinkedIn, and you might actually learn something about him in a conversation, without having to pretend that you already know (but don’t completely abandon your creeper skills, because that would totally ruin recruitment…and life). It’s the little things.

Spring Semester Means Warmer Weather, and More Fun

The most fun parts of college all occur in the spring: spring break, spring recruitment, spring day rages, spring formal, spring, spring, spring. The best part, though, is spring CLOTHES. The weather gets warmer, which leads to way cuter outfits. Sweaters never work with going-out outfits. The only benefit of cold weather is that it makes shacking easier. Your hot pink bandage dress is covered up by a a coat, disguising an outfit that could otherwise never be mistaken for casual daywear. Warmer weather has benefits all around. It’s easier to give yourself a free pass on ignoring your school work. It’s way too pretty outside to be cooped up in the library. You can focus your time on what’s really important: tanning with your sisters, drinking on patios, and plotting the capture of your formal dates.

Anything Can Happen

Ultimately, the best part of 2013 is that you learned a lot in 2012. Whatever mistakes you made will just make the rest of college easier. The more time that goes by, the more you realize what you want and don’t want out of life. Whether it involves switching guys or majors, all the messes that seemed so major don’t matter in 2013. So, make all the resolutions you want, and at least think about following them, but know that the New Year will be amazing no matter what. College is an adventure, and while it may not always be perfect, it is always exciting.

A new year can mean a new you. You can make whatever resolutions you’d like, or resolve to stay exactly the same. Re-evaluate the past year, but don’t forget all of those weird, drunk, sloppy life choices got you to where you are today, and where you are today is probably pretty great. Just view them all as the scandals that make up your own personal soap opera (because no one wants to watch a boring soap opera, and no one wants to lead a boring life). Happy 2013, y’all. Here’s to the best year yet, because The O.C. said so.

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Fleur de Lilly

Fleur de Lilly (@margaretabrams) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move and Post Grad Problems. When she's not corrupting her big's baby, she can be found decoding texts, gravitating towards raised surfaces, and spending time with her gentleman caller, Jack Daniels. She loves Lilly, Louisiana, and her lineage.

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