
Why Is Smith College Selling This House For Just A Dollar?

Why Is Smith College Selling This House For Just One Dollar?

To prepare for one of my school’s biggest day drinking events of the year, my friend and I went to the dollar store to gather some goodies and necessities. Granted, we went while a little intoxicated, but we were amazed at all the things you could buy for $1: shampoo, books, nail polish, Mason jars, candy, hats! The list is endless, and, to this day, we will have discussions (when not sober) on ALL the things you can buy for a single doll hair. Well, now we have something else to add to the list: a house.

Smith college is selling an on-campus house for $1. The 2,332 square foot home built in 1860 was used as rental house for faculty until the college decided to build brand new apartment-style housing for its students. The house has four bedrooms, two full baths, two fireplaces, and historic woodworking. For all you “House Hunters” fans, you know this house is a huge catch.

Why the hell is it a single dollar, you ask?

The buyer is required to move the house away from it’s Northampton, Mass., location to wherever his or her heart desires—all at the expense of the buyer. Just moving the house is expected to cost around $70,000, not including the plot of land the house will eventually move to, hooking up water or electricity, or any of the other expenses that come with moving a house.

Despite this odd request, you know there is some crazy couple on “House Hunters” who would totally do this. The other two houses would be in a great location and have all the specs that they want, but they wouldn’t go for them because they don’t have a window by the sink or the basement is only halfway finished instead of fully finished. Stupid people.

So, if you’re looking for your dream house to move to your dream location, let Smith College know. They’re hoping to have the house out of there by the first of September.

[via Huffington Post]

Image via Bridge Memphis

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Hakuna Moscato

Hakuna Moscato (@HakunaMoscato) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move. and Post Grad Problems. A born and raised Maryland girl, she's obsessed with the Baltimore Ravens, Old Bay, and anything that has the Maryland flag pattern on it. She's a newly retired student-athlete and sorority girl, but not quite ready to call herself an adult, especially since she still has to be carried out of bars. With a Long Island in hand, she's ready for whatever life is throwing her way. Maybe.

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