I’m sick of seeing the same girls pushing the same weight loss tea and diet pills all over Instagram. The women pushing these products are so-called “Instagram models” but their specific brand of beauty just isn’t doing it for me anymore. They all have big boobs, a small waist, and a flat stomach. It’s so repetitive and boring. Beauty shouldn’t be about how big your boobs are and toned your abs are. It shouldn’t take six hours in a hair salon, hundreds of hours in a gym, and thousands of dollars worth of clothes to make someone beautiful.
I want to see someone real when I’m looking through my Instagram feed. Someone without fillers, without implants, and someone who doesn’t spend five hours every day in a gym to keep her figure and then attribute it all to some bullshit detox tea. I’m all about natural beauty right now, especially after Alicia Keys chose not to wear any makeup to the VMAs on Sunday. Let’s put these plastic bitches out of a job and start following some REAL Instagram models. Here are a few of my personal favorites.
1. Jiff The Pomeranian
2. Tibby The Corgi
3. Cookie The Poodle
4. Major The Yorkshire Terrier
5. Maru Taro The Shiba Inu
6. Bodhi The Shiba Inu
7. Tazz The Australian Shepherd
8. Corgnelius And Stumphrey The Corgis
9. Toby The Chow Chow
10. Doug The Pug
11. Loki The Husky/Arctic Wolf/Malamute Mix
12. Burrito The Corgi
13. Rufio The Pomeranian/Husky Mix
14. Tonkey The Bearcoat Shar Pei
15. Norbert The Chihuahua Terrier And Lhasa Apso Mix
16. Murphy The Goldendoodle
17. Ramsey The Staffordshire Bull Terrier
They’re not your typical Instagram models, but they’re equally if not more beautiful in my book. .
Image via Shutterstock