
10 Biggest Turn-Offs for Girls

7. He Lives With His Parents

This might be the only one I feel a little bit guilty about, because it’s absolutely a double standard. I don’t judge girls for living at home for a few years post-grad nearly as harshly as I judge guys for it. But the number of double standards against girls make up for it, so I don’t feel that bad for thinking a guy is an absolute loser if he lives at home. I suppose in this economy I can give him like a year-ish post grad to get his shit together, but after that, a guy who can’t or refuses to support himself is a douchebag. The only thing worse than living at home because you can’t find a job is living at home because you just don’t feel like getting your own place. Like….what?!?!?! This “I want to save some money first” bull is just ridiculous to me. How about learn some responsibility and take care of yourself. Living with your parents isn’t even fun. I don’t even get it a little bit and I’m only a tiny bit sorry.

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Veronica Ruckh

Veronica (@VeronicaRuckh) is the Director of Total Sorority Move for Grandex, Inc. After having spent her undergraduate years drinking $4 double LITs on a patio and drunk texting away potential suitors, she managed to graduate with an impressive GPA and an unimpressive engagement ring -- so unimpressive, in fact, some might say it's not there at all. Veronica has since been fulfilling her duties as "America's big," a title she gave to herself with the help of her giant ego. She has recently switched from vodka to wine on weekdays. Email her at [email protected]

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