
The 21 Best Tweets About National Boyfriend Day That Will Make You Feel Better About Life

National Boyfriend Day Tweets

There’s one reason and one reason only that girls get boyfriends — to shove their love in the faces of their single friends. I mean sure, I guess having someone to share life’s moments with and cry to when that bitch from your sorority makes some passive aggressive comment to you is nice. But those are just plusses. The real reason we tie a dick down is so that on those certain times of the year — like holidays, birthdays, and random functions that you don’t want to go to — you have a guy to drag along and dangle in front of your single friends.

And on October 3rd, us husbanded-up bitches get a whole day to post pictures of our boyfriends looking miserable next to us while we ask for “just one more picture.” But if you’re not one of those girls who gets to drag your boyfriend to brunch with your friends when he would rather be watching football, don’t feel bad. Here are the best “National Boyfriend Day” tweets to make you feel a hell of a lot better about living that single life.

But hey, when it comes down to it, isn’t pizza better than a penis anyway?

[via “Twitter”

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Rachel Varina

(yeahokaywhat) Aspiring to be the next Tina Fey, Rachel spends her free time doing nothing to reach that goal. While judging people based on how they use "they're" vs. "there" on social media, she likes eating buffalo chicken dip, watching other people's Netflix, and wearing sweatpants way more than is socially acceptable.

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