
Starbucks Is Selling Alcoholic Frappuccinos, But There’s A Catch


I would need about six more hands if I was going to count on my fingers the number of times I’ve made a bomb mixed drink by combining vodka with my Starbucks passion tea lemonade. If there’s a more refreshing cocktail to casually sip by the pool/downtown/in the library that also won’t get you arrested for having an open container in public, I haven’t found it yet. (The Refreshers are also perfect as chasers, btw.) While it’s certainly not difficult to mix whatever cheap vodka I have on hand into my drink myself, I’m lazy AF and I’ve thought a thousand times how much more efficient it would be if I could just order it from the Starbucks drive-thru with the vodka already in there. Dream big, right.

Except now, that dream might just be able to come true. With a few catches.

Only for today, and only in Japan (ugh) Starbucks is selling Frappuccinos with alcohol. It’s called the “Wine Fraggino,” and the drink replaces caffeine with a local Japanese wine, which honestly sounds amazing. I would definitely sacrifice my caffeine shot of the afternoon for wine in my frap instead, although the chances that I’m going to make it to Japan in time to catch this deal are slim.

The drink was made to celebrate the launch of Starbuck’s Evenings menu, which has also been launched in some U.S. stores. Unfortunately, those stores serve only beer and wine, not this magical Frappuccino and wine combo. But hey, it’s hard to complain when I can get my buzz on at Starbs, both caffeine and alcohol. I’m hopeful it makes its way to stores near me soon — until then, I’ve got my vodka passion tea lemonades to keep me company.

[via Cosmopolitan]

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Shannon Layne

My favorite things are tiaras, compliments, and free drinks, which are becoming harder to come by the more I tend to show up at the bar in sweat pants. The proudest moment of my life so far has been landing an actual, paying job that allows me to Facebook stalk people for a living. I tweet about my mom way too often, who is constantly trying to remind me that I'm not nearly as cool as I think I am. Please send me funny stories to read at work here:

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