Hand-picking who his brothers bring to formal. TSM.
Hand-picking who his brothers bring to formal. TSM.
Bringing Jose Cuervo as your semi date, because you know he’ll get along with your sisters. TSM.
“Did I hook up with him?” TSM.
“All I’m saying is that if I instagramed a picture with him, it would break 100 likes, and that bitch only got seven.” TSM.
Hating open parties because it’s the only time you don’t know everyone there. TSM.
When he picks you over football. TSM.
Doing your sorority’s secret knock on the wall to wake your sister up in the next room at the frat house. TSM.
“Don’t take me home until I’m very drunk. Very drunk indeed.” -Holly Golightly. TSM.
Knowing when “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” really means, emergency conference in the bathroom. TSM.
Being almost as good at removing red wine stains as you are at creating them. TSM.
Making your boyfriend keeping a stock of tampons and Midol in his bathroom. TSM.
Re-pinning paddle ideas on Pinterest so your little knows what you want. TSM.
Finding glitter in your textbook when you study for finals, because you were obviously crafting when you opened the book for your last exam. TSM.
When it comes to gift giving, it’s the craft that counts. TSM.
Off chapter exec, over to the bars. TSM.
“I need help shopping and no one is more dedicated than you.” TSM.
Having a sister in every class. TSM.
Not being able to decide whether to take the B and go out or give some semblance of a fuck. TSM.
Being 15 minutes into a conversation with a guy before remembering you made out with him last semester. TSTC.
The standards chair looking directly at you when talking about proper behavior at events. TSM.