Justifying frivolous purchases with, “But I’m worth it.” TSM.
Justifying frivolous purchases with, “But I’m worth it.” TSM.
Dear Standards: it was worth it. TSM.
Your little knowing it’s you because of your crafting skills. TSM.
Moving on to a bigger and better fraternity. TSM.
The post-breakup sleepover and wine with your little. TSM.
Drinking champagne out of the Greek Week trophy. TSM.
One bottle? You mean one each, right? TSM.
“I don’t remember big-little night.” TSM.
Being secretly proud of the blisters you get during recruitment. TSM.
Chugging your beer on the way to a dry event. TSM.
“It’s not peer pressure. It’s just your turn.” TSM.
I’m not selfish. I care about my little, too. TSM.
Recycling your hookups to keep your number down. TSM.
Partaking in bid day while abroad, by waking up at 4am to Facebook stalk the babies. TSM.
Wondering if you can smoke Nutella. TSM.
Proving you know all the words to every song on his ’80s playlist as a means to seduce him. TSM.
Making random celebrities throw what they don’t know. TSM.
Fancying yourself an expert at planting the seed of doubt in the brains of girls you hate. TSM.
Having HIM sign a prenup. TSM.
Passing out at the blood drive. NS. Passing out on the drive home. TSM.