
How To Get A Boyfriend In College: A Choose Your Own Adventure Tale

Talking, pt 2
Also known as “The Unwritten Commitment” phase. Neither of you should be hooking up with other people, and if one does, the whole relationship is ruined. The difficult part is that it’s not easy to know when you’re in this phase. You two hang out often and spend actual face time together, not just Facebook time. When at a bar or party, you hang out with them and your friends an equal amount, and walk (or pledge-drive) back together. You may hear your friends say something like “Shut up. You’re dating.” But you’re not…yet. Choose the option that applies:

One of you freaks out in a major way, assuming that a college relationship is the end-all, be-all of your freedom. CLICK HERE to have an awkward breakup from a person that you were never really dating.

You continue down this path, until it becomes clear that the single life doesn’t bring you as much happiness as you bring each other. CLICK HERE to live happily ever after.

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Hakuna Moscato

Hakuna Moscato (@HakunaMoscato) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move. and Post Grad Problems. A born and raised Maryland girl, she's obsessed with the Baltimore Ravens, Old Bay, and anything that has the Maryland flag pattern on it. She's a newly retired student-athlete and sorority girl, but not quite ready to call herself an adult, especially since she still has to be carried out of bars. With a Long Island in hand, she's ready for whatever life is throwing her way. Maybe.

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