
James Franco Is Never Going To Be A Hot Guy Again — But Here He Is Dressed As Beyoncé


James Franco has quickly gone from your Hollywood cheat card to that creepy older guy you tell your younger sister to stay away from. He hasn’t exactly been missed either, as his younger, hotter, and far less weird brother David Franco has filled the Franco-void that his brother left behind when he started posting some pretty unflattering nudes (it’s a shame, really), hanging out with the stoner celebrity crowd, and trying to fuck teenagers.

To add to the endless list of the weird, unfortunate, and sometimes illegal activities Franco is regularly involved in, we can now add dressing up as the Queen B. Franco was seen in L.A. wearing a cheaper, much sadder version of the iconic yellow dress that Beyoncé wore in Lemonade’s “Hold Up” video.

… and its not a flattering look. As horrible as he looked when he played Alien in Spring Breakers, this is a pretty close comparison. It is still unclear why Franco was casually wearing this dress around the city. Since the dress was used in a video that was meant to portray Beyoncé’s life, and act as a celebration of black womanhood, we can only assume that Franco wasn’t wearing the dress because of its connection to anything related to his own life. While he could be using it as a costume for another parody video (and I can’t wait for the inevitable rage that will pour out from the Beehive), he might simply be adopting a new look.

While Beyoncé looked fantastic in her music video outfit, Franco looks a bit insane in the cheap yellow dress and wild hair. Let’s hope that no one gave him the iconic baseball bat prop to add to the outfit. It’s sad to see how the mighty have fallen. You used to have to convince your boyfriend to see James Franco movies (it’s not like you knew the plot, you just wanted two uninterrupted hours of being able to stare at his face without it being considered “weird”), and now your boyfriend is the one trying to drag you to his movies, calling him the “funny dude from Pineapple Express.”

As sad as it is to say, I don’t think that we can save James Franco. The old, hot James Franco that you probably fell in love with in middle school might as well be dead. The world now needs to accept the Beyoncé-parodying, casually-crazy James Franco. RIP.

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Hiding from my mother and standards, both of whom would disown me if they heard most of these stories. Aspiring law school student, with a chihuahua named Bruiser and a head of unnatural blonde hair. Email me your "crazy" stories or any mixed drink recipes that taste like juice, but have copious amounts of vodka in them at Watch the bitch behind these stories at:

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