
Nutella Hair Dye Proves That We’re Honestly Just Bored

Nutella Hair Dye

If you’re anything like me, your trusty jar of Nutella sits idly on your shelf until you need to stress eat it at 3am the night before your exam, or binge eat it after the bar. The chocolate spread is just about as associated with college life as Kraft Dinner and the freshman 15.

Eating is what Nutella should be used for; however, a hair stylist at Abed & Samer seems to think differently. In a now viral Instagram video, a stylist at the salon is shown coloring their client’s hair with… you guessed it, Nutella.

From the videos, you can see that the client’s hair is dyed from a classic Barbie – blonde to a hazelnut – toned brown, proving that the chocolate dye actually does work. But, do you know what else can be used to change the color of your hair? Dye. There’s a reason that we have been eating Nutella, and using chemical dye in our hair for ages… it simply works. While it’s apparent that the chocolate does transform your hair, there’s no word yet on how it compares to some regular, out-of-the-box dye. My guess is that it’s nowhere near as good. The chocolate may stain your hair, simply like it does to your favorite, new white shirt. I certainly hope that there aren’t nearly as many chemicals in the edible substance as there is in a chemical heavy dye. While you may not love the idea of putting chemicals in your hair, I can assure all of those trying to achieve the hippie-chic aesthetic that there are far more natural alternatives that Nutella.

I’m going to chalk this up to another 2016 beauty trend that we definitely do not need. Let’s bury this along with chocolate contouring, 100 layers of anything, pizza highlighter, and dick eyeliner, all of which deserve to stay in the shitty year that is 2016.

In 2017, let’s all make a pact to just get over ourselves. I’m going to be impressed with your fierce contour and good hair, even if you just used regular beauty products to create it. Trust me, your makeup is impressive enough without a gimmick. To be honest, I’m starting to get annoyed that I see ten makeup tutorials for how to use children’s makeup to do an everyday look for every one that I see on how to make my brows symmetrical (they’re not even sisters right now). Save your chocolate for your time of the month instead, and don’t try to boycott your Sephora for the grocery store.

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Hiding from my mother and standards, both of whom would disown me if they heard most of these stories. Aspiring law school student, with a chihuahua named Bruiser and a head of unnatural blonde hair. Email me your "crazy" stories or any mixed drink recipes that taste like juice, but have copious amounts of vodka in them at Watch the bitch behind these stories at:

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