
Ranger, The Beloved House Goat At Tennessee Tech’s Kappa Sigma, Went To Goat Heaven Yesterday

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About three months ago, I brought you all the story of Ranger the goat, who lived at the Kappa Sigma chapter at Tennessee Tech. Now, I must admit that back then, I was pretty convinced that the chapter was using the goat as a ploy to get laid – sort of a farmhouse frat hound, if you will. But once I followed Ranger on Twitter, my opinion changed. Yes, Ranger clearly brought in the ladies for the brothers of Kappa Sigma (I mean, girls lined up to get their picture taken with him), but it was pretty clear that the brothers also genuinely loved their little mascot. Never mind that I also pretty much became obsessed with Ranger’s feed, filled with cute pictures of his adventures and some pretty amazing goat puns. And then, today, came this:

As I sit here, literally bawling over the passing of a beloved pet that I never met, I’m hoping that Ranger, after living a full, but all too short #goatlife loved by his Kappa Sigma brothers and everyone that ever had the chance to meet him, or even simply follow his Twitter feed, is resting in peace. We’ll miss you buddy.

Only the good die young.

Image via Twitter

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Jenna Crowley

Jenna used to be known as 2NOTBrokeGirls, but then one of the girls actually went broke, so she's struck out on her own. Jenna spends her free time saving the world, one sorority girl at a time (usually while wearing yoga pants), questioning why she decided to get a doctorate, and documenting her love of all things cheese related. You can ask her anything you want about football, using your boobs to get what you want, and pizza at @JennaLCrowley on Twitter or via email at

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